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Terms starting with B



See also


The observable effects of an operation or event, including its results.

Behavioral Diagram

A diagram that depicts the behavioral features of a system or business process.

Behavioral diagrams include Activity diagrams, StateMachine diagrams, Communication diagrams, Interaction Overview diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Timing diagrams and Use Case diagrams.

Behavioral Feature

A dynamic feature of a model element, such as an operation or method.

Behavioral Model aspect

A model aspect that emphasizes the behavior of the instances in a system, including their methods, collaborations, and state histories.

Binary Association

An Association between two Classes; a special case of an N-ary Association.

N-ary Association


The creation of a model element from a template by supplying arguments for the parameters of the template.


A marker in a Rich Text Format document that enables you to link inner sections of a document into a master document (using the Word 'Insert File' function).


An enumeration whose values are true and false.

Boolean Expression

An expression that evaluates to a boolean value.


  1. A stereotyped Object that models some system boundary – typically a user interface screen; it is:
         -  Used in the conceptual phase to capture user interaction
            with the system at a screen level (or some other boundary
            interface type)
         -  Often used in Sequence and Robustness (Analysis) diagrams
         -  The View in the Model-View-Controller Pattern
  2. A System Boundary element used to delineate a particular part of the system.