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Terms starting with P
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Package |
The OMG UML specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v2.1.1, p.109) states: "A package is used to group elements, and provides a namespace for the grouped elements. A package is a namespace for its members, and can contain other packages. Only packageable elements can be owned members of a package. By virtue of being a namespace, a package can import either individual members of other packages, or all the members of other packages. In addition a package can be merged with other packages." Note that Packages own model elements and are the basis for configuration control, storage and access control. Each element can be directly owned by a single Package, so the Package hierarchy is a strict tree. However, Packages can reference other Packages, modeled by using one of the stereotypes «import» and «access» of Permission dependency, so the usage network is a graph. Other kinds of dependencies between Packages usually imply that one or more dependencies among the elements exist. A Package is represented by the common folder icon - a large rectangle with a small rectangle (a 'tab') attached to the left side on top. |
Package Diagram |
Used to reflect the organization of Packages and their elements, and provide a visualization of their corresponding namespaces. |
Package Import |
A Package import relationship is drawn from a source Package to a Package whose contents are imported. Private members of a target Package cannot be imported. |
Package Merge |
Indicates a relationship between two Packages whereby the contents of the target Package are merged with those of the source Package. Private contents of a target Package are not merged. |
Parameter |
The specification of a variable that can be changed, passed, or returned. A parameter can include a name, type, and direction. Parameters are used for operations, messages and events. |
Formal Parameter Argument Actual Parameter |
Parameterized element |
The descriptor for a Class with one or more unbound parameters. |
Template |
Parent |
In a generalization relationship, the generalization of another element, the child. |
Subclass Subtype Child |
Part |
A run-time instance of a Class or Interface. |
Participate |
The connection of a model element to a relationship or to a reified relationship. For example, a Class participates in an Association, an Actor participates in a Use Case. |
Partition |
Layer Swim Lane |
Pattern |
A template collaboration. |
Framework |
Persistent Object |
An object that exists after the process or thread that created it has ceased to exist. |
Physical System |
Model (MOF) System |
Port |
Defines the interaction between a classifier and its environment. Interfaces controlling this interaction can be depicted using the 'Expose Interface' toolbox icon. |
Postcondition |
A constraint that must be true at the completion of an operation. |
Precondition |
A constraint that must be true when an operation is invoked. |
Primitive Type |
A pre-defined basic datatype without any substructure, such as an integer or a string. |
Process |
Thread |
Product |
A physical piece of information that is produced by a business or development process. Examples of products include models, source files, scripts, and binary executable files. An product can constitute the implementation of a deployabComponentle component. |
Artifact |
Profile |
A stereotyped Package that contains model elements that have been customized for a specific domain or purpose using extension mechanisms, such as stereotypes, tagged definitions and constraints. A profile can also specify model libraries on which it depends and the metamodel subset that it extends. |
Project Browser |
The workspace window where the model contents are displayed in 'tree' format. Displays structures such as Packages, diagrams and model elements. |
Projection |
A mapping from a set to its subset. |
Property |
A named value denoting a characteristic of an element. A property has semantic impact. Certain properties are predefined in the UML; others can be user defined. |
Tagged Value |
Pseudostate |
A vertex in a StateMachine that has the form of a State, but doesn't behave as a State. Pseudostates include Initial and History vertices. |
Published Model (MOF) |
A model that has been frozen, and that becomes available for instantiating repositories and for support in defining other models. A frozen model's model elements cannot be changed. |