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Relationship Matrix Options

When you have displayed information on the Relationship Matrix, you might want to capture the display in some way, or modify the output. There are a number of options that you can select to, for example:

  • Output the information on the Relationship Matrix to the printer or to a metafile, .png file or .csv file
  • Create and update profiles of the configurations of the matrix that you have designed
  • Define local settings to control what the Relationship Matrix displays



Design > Impact > Matrix : Options

Context Menu

Project Browser |Right-click on Package | Relationship Matrix | (As Source, As Target or As Both) : Options


Options menu for the Relationship Menu in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.



See also

Print Relationship Matrix

Click on the 'Matrix | Print' menu option.

The 'Print' dialog displays, on which you select the output printer and specify the printer properties, the range of pages to print, and the number of copies.

The output is a WYSIWYG representation of the Relationship Matrix contents.

Display a preview of the printout

Click on the 'Matrix | Print Preview' menu option.

The 'Print Preview' screen displays, showing the Relationship Matrix printout.

Print Preview

Scale the printout

When you print the Relationship Matrix, by default it prints on as many pages wide and long as the Matrix requires.

You can scale the printout into a fixed number of pages wide; the row height is automatically adjusted to maintain the proportions of the Matrix. This reduces the overall size of the printout and improves appearance, especially when used in conjunction with the 'Landscape' option in the printer properties.

For example, a 16-page printout without scaling can, with a scaling of 2 pages wide, be reduced to 6 pages.

To set the page scaling:

  1. Click on the 'Matrix | Scale Setting' menu option. The 'Scale Matrix' dialog displays.
  2. Select the 'Scale Matrix Width Into Pages' checkbox, and type or select the number of pages in width to scale to.
  3. Click on the OK button to apply the setting.

Save Relationship Matrix as graphic file

Click on the 'Matrix | Save as Metafile' or 'Matrix | Save as PNG' menu options.

A browser dialog displays on which you select the target file location and specify the filename of the .emf or .png file in which to save the output.

You can incorporate these files in a document or web report, as either a hyperlinked file or an included file.

Insert Images, Objects and Frames Insert Reference Links

Export output to CSV file

The contents of the Relationship Matrix can be exported to a CSV file, which provides a convenient mechanism for moving the matrix data to a spreadsheet environment such as Microsoft Excel.

This option is also active in the 'Lite', read-only version of Enterprise Architect.

To export the Matrix to CSV:

  1. Select the 'Matrix | Export to CSV' menu option. The Windows 'Browser' dialog displays.
  2. Browse to the required file location and type in a .csv filename to export to.
  3. Click on the Save button to export the data.
The Read-only 'Lite' Edition

Create and manage matrix profiles

If you use a particular combination of field values often, you can save that combination as a profile to make it easier to recall them for use.

You can also include a Relationship Matrix Profile in a document report, to pull in specific relationship details using the Matrix.

Matrix Profiles Reporting Profiled Relationship Matrices

Manage display content

You can extend the information shown by the Relationship Matrix to include related elements and/or additional properties of each element. You can also re-organize the display to list the element names in alphabetical order.

Select the 'Options' menu option. The 'Matrix Options' dialog displays. Select one or more of these checkboxes to define the information you want to display:

  • 'Include Source Children' - to recursively include child Packages and contents under the Source
  • 'Include Target Children' - to recursively include child Packages and contents under the Target
  • 'Include All Extended Meta Types' - to include elements that are extensions of a specified meta-type; for example, if there are Block elements (extending Class) in the Package, selecting this option and specifying the type Class includes Class and Block elements, and any further derivatives of Class in the matrix
  • 'Sort Axes' - to display the element names in alphabetical order
  • 'Show Package Names' - to hide or show the elements' parent Package names in the Relationship Matrix; this is useful for shortening the displayed texts, especially in circumstances where Packages have long names
  • 'Use Element Alias If Available' - to display an element's alias instead of the element name, if an alias has been defined
  • 'Show Level Numbering If Available' - to reproduce level numbering in the Relationship Matrix, if it is turned on in the Project Browser
  • 'Highlight source elements without relationships' - to display, in pale blue, all cells in a row belonging to a source element that has no relationships
  • 'Highlight target elements without relationships' - to display, in pale pink, all cells in a column belonging to a target element that has no relationships
General Settings Package Menu

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