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Matrix Profiles
You can use the Relationship Matrix as a monitoring tool, to help in tracking the development of elements and relationships in particular Packages or pairs of Packages over time. In this case you would re-use the same combinations of field settings many times. It is very easy to store a combination of settings as a matrix profile, so that later you can recall it for use whenever you need it.
Ribbon |
Design > Impact > Matrix |
Context Menu |
Project Browser |Right-click on Package | Relationship Matrix | (As Source, As Target or As Both) |
Save a Relationship Matrix configuration as a named profile
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Set up the Relationship Matrix with the required:
Relationship Matrix Set Source and Target Package Matrix Overlays |
2 |
Click on the Relationship Matrix and select 'Profiles | Save as New Profile'. on the The 'Enter name for new profile' dialog displays. |
3 |
In the 'Enter Value' field, type a profile name of up to 12 characters. Click on the . |
4 |
Once you have created a profile, you can select it by clicking on the Profile drop-down arrow at the top of the Relationship Matrix screen and selecting the profile name from the list. Profiles are also listed in the Matrix Profiles folder of the Resources window; double-click on a profile in the folder to display the Relationship Matrix with that profile active. |
Resources |
- You can modify an existing profile by:
- Selecting the profile name from the 'Profile' drop-down list
- Changing the field values, then
- Selecting 'Options: Profiles | Update Current Profile'
- To delete an existing profile, select it in the 'Profile' drop-down list and select 'Options: Profiles | Delete Current'
- You can capture Relationship Matrix profiles in document reports
- In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Configure Resources' permission to Save, Update, or Delete matrix profiles