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Cloud Server Configuration

This topic discusses the configuration of the Cloud Server, whether as the original Sparx Systems Cloud Services or as a component of the Pro Cloud Server. If you are installing the Pro Cloud Server, there are several other configuration files associated with the Floating License Server, WebEA and Visibility Levels components of the server. The procedures for editing those files are described in the separate topics for those features.

The SERVER_PORT and SERVER_PASSWORD need to be set by directly editing the configuration file SSCloudServices.config, which is found in your Service directory. To edit the configuration file, open it in a text editor (using the 'Run as administrator' option).

A number of additional general options can be defined in the config file as described here; however, these can typically be left with their default values.

After defining the Server Port/Password, you can open the Configuration Client and configure Ports and Model/Database connections.

Note:  It is important to realize that the Cloud Service only reads the configuration file once, when it starts up.  If you manually change the options in the configuration file then the Cloud Service must be restarted.

Configuration Client Connection Settings

Normally the first settings you will see in the configuration file are to control how the Configuration Client will connect to the server. The default values are:



Use of the Configuration Client is discussed in the Cloud Services Configuration Client topic.




SERVER_PASSWORD is the password to protect the administration functions of the server.

Note: This can be changed within the Configuration Client, which means a full server restart will not be necessary.


SERVER_PORT is used when you connect to the Configuration Client or opt to use the IIS integration instead of the integrated web-server. For more detail see the Cloud Server Using IIS Help topic.

Note: When changing this, check firewall settings and other services using the port. Additionally, when the service is running on Wine you should not use privileged ports - those below 1024. Under Wine, most applications are only able to listen on ports above 1024.

General Settings

The next list of settings includes the default global settings across the entire service:











The default for the maximum number of simultaneous queries that can be run at a time for any configured database. This can be changed directly within the Management Client (see Default Max Simultaneous Queries under Global Server Options in the Cloud Services Configuration Client topic). There is no explicit limit for this default value.

Note: As this can be set directly within the Configuration Client, a full server restart will not be required if you change it.


The number of seconds between the recording activities by system logs on each database.


The location to write temporary files before they are sent to clients. You should not generally have to change this.


Determines how verbose the server should be when writing log files. The valid values are: OFF, FATAL, WARNING, INFO and SYSTEM. The value can be changed directly within the Management Client. (See Log Level under Global Server Options in the Cloud Services Configuration Client topic).

Note: As this can be set directly within the Configuration Client, a full server restart will not be required if you change it.


Defines where the log files are to be stored. The default is set to:


Note: The =%SERVICE_PATH% refers to the directory where the Cloud service is installed.


Determines the maximum number of rolling log files that should be kept. When the file count is exceeded, the oldest file is automatically deleted.


Determines the maximum file size of each log file. When the logging file size is reached a new log file is created.

For more details on using the logs see the Cloud Server Troubleshooting topic.

Restarting the Sparx Cloud Service

If you make any changes to the configuration file you must restart the service for the changes to take effect (unless otherwise stated). A service restart is carried out in the Windows Services application.

Depending on the operating system, there are two methods for restarting the Cloud Service:

1)  Using Windows Services. This is available in all versions of Windows (see 'Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services').

Restarting the Sparx Cloud Service

2)  Using the Server Manager on Windows Server 2012.

Restarting the Sparx Cloud Service


If you need to assign passwords to user IDs for a model or models that will be accessed via the Cloud, then:

  1. Open the reference model using a direct connection or via a Cloud connection on a port that does not have either MODEL_AUTHENTICATION or GLOBAL_AUTHENTICATION set.
  2. Enable security and assign a new administrator password.
  3. Open the Cloud Server Management Client for the new database and set the checkbox 'Require a secure and authenticated connection'. (Now that you have a valid account, this model will no longer be accessible without https and http level authentication.)
  4. Connect to the model on a port that does have an _AUTHENTICATION setting and use the Maintain Users procedure to assign passwords to the user IDs in the model.

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