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Connecting Enterprise Architect to a Cloud Service

Once your Cloud Service has been set up with at least one port listening for communication and at least one model you can connect to, you can connect to the model in Enterprise Architect. When you first open Enterprise Architect, the 'Manage Projects' dialog displays. The Connect to Cloud button on the top right provides access to Cloud connections.

In Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect the Connect to Cloud button on the Manage Projects dialog provides access to Cloud connections.

In later work sessions you can access this dialog and button by selecting the 'New > Manage projects' option on the Start Page. However, there is also a Cloud Connection link on the 'Start Page' itself.

There is a Cloud Connection link on the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Start Page.

Cloud Connection Dialog

The 'Cloud Connection' dialog prompts you for the details of the model.

The Cloud Connection dialog




Type the name to use to refer to this model. It does not have to match any values on the server, and will appear in your recent models list.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select a secure (https) or insecure (http) connection, as supported by the server you are connecting to. When you select the protocol, the port will be automatically set to match the default for that protocol.


Type in the machine name ( or IP address ( of your server.


Define the port number the service is listening on. This should match the settings in the configuration file on the server.

Note: For a server, the default settings will use port 804 for http and port 805 for https.

Model Name

Type in the name of the model available on the server.

Note: Generally a system administrator will provide you with a list of available models. However, for those with permission to use the Management Client the model name to access the given database can be found in the read-only 'Alias' field on the Configure Database Manager screen in the Cloud Services Configuration Client application.

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