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Each integration provider comes with a set of default mapping values which determines what type of local element is created in Enterprise Architect, as well as which fields are copied to the new element. These mappings are configurable for each client model.


Users must have the 'Configure External Data Sources' permission to access this functionality.


Integration window toolbar

Menu > Configure

Type Mapping

This defines the element type that will be created when 'Create Local Element' is selected.

To create a new mapping, select the External Type, and use the toolbox selector to select the local element type.

Type mapping

Field Mapping

This defines the element type that will be created when 'Create Local Element' is selected.

To create a new mapping, select the External Type, and use the toolbox selector to select the local element type.

Type mapping


  • Each mapping can be reset to default values by clicking 'Reset to Defaults'.
  • If no type mapping is specified for a specific type, then the mapping for type 'Default' will be used.