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Install and Config

The Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server product is installed using a standard Microsoft Windows Installer package that includes a number of components. The Floating License Server is included in the main 'Pro Cloud Services' component, and consists of a number of extra files over the standard Sparx Systems Cloud Service.

It is possible to change the install location of the Cloud Service; however this document assumes the default install location of  C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\  (assuming a 64 bit machine is being used).

Important: All communications to the Pro Cloud's Floating License Server are performed via HTTPS, therefore to use the Pro Cloud Server's Floating License Server functionality at least one Port has to be configured to REQUIRE_SSL=1 and a valid certificate/private key file is defined in the Pro Cloud Server's Services folder.  See the Self-Signed Certificate using OpenSSL section in Port Settings for more details.

The main Pro Cloud Server's configuration file (SSCloudService.config) defines two settings related to the Floating License Server, FLOATLIC_PATH and  FLOATLIC_CONFIG.

The FLOATLIC_PATH option defines the path and file name of the Key Store file; by default this is:


where "%SERVICE_PATH%" is replaced with the physical path of the 'Services' folder (that is, 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\Service').

The FLOATLIC_CONFIG option defines the path and file name of the Key Store group file; by default this is:


Floating License Server Group Configuration File

The Pro Cloud Server's Floating License Server component installs a configuration file called ssflsgroup.config into the Service folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\Service\ssflsgroup.config). This files defines 'groups' of users that can obtain Licenses from the Floating License Server, and also controls which Enterprise Architect Product Licenses each group can utilize. 

A group is identified by a group name and a set of credentials (user ID and password) which will be used to securely communicate to the Floating License Server over HTTPS.

The Floating License Server's configuration file will typically consists of multiple group definitions, each group definition needs to be defined as shown:



UserName={user name}












Group Definition Properties

A Group definition begins when the token GROUP is encountered on a new line, and extends until the token END GROUP is found on a new line.



See also


The common name of the Floating License group.


Required.  Specifies the User ID for the Floating License Group.


Required.  Specifies the Password for the Floating License Group.


Optional.  Used in combination with the EndDate property to define the date range that the Group can be used.


Optional.  Used in combination with the StartDate property to define the date range that the Group can be used.

Entitlement - Section

Each Group can define multiple Entitlements. An Entitlement definition begins when the token ENTITLEMENT is encountered on a new line, and extends until the token END ENTITLEMENT is found on a new line.

Each Entitlement definition accepts each of these sub-properties:

    Product={Product Code}  - The product that this entitlement gives grants access to this group.

    Academic={true or false}  - Determines if this entitlement applies to the academic edition of the specified Product.

    Limit={number}  - Optionally restrict the number of Product keys available to this group.

The valid Product codes are:

  • Professional
  • Corporate
  • UnifiedSuite
  • UltimateSuite
  • EclipseIntegration
  • MDGCodeAnalysis
  • MDGDoors
  • MDGLinkEclipse
  • MDGLinkVS
  • MDGRealTime
  • MDGSysML
  • MDGTogaf
  • MDGZachman
  • RaQuest
  • TCSEIntegration
  • TCSESuite
  • VSIntegration


Optional. Specifies whether members of this group are permitted to perform management operations (such as add/remove keys) on the keystore.

Default Value:  false

Configuration Changes

Changes to the Pro Cloud Server's Floating License Group file can be made while the Pro Cloud Server is running, without the need to restart it.  The Floating License Server component will detects the last modified time, if the configuration file has changed since it was last read the entire contents of the file is re-read.