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Lock Objects Under User/Group Locking

Under the User/Group Locking security policy, if you need to set or release a lock on an element or diagram, you can do so from either the Project Browser or from within the diagram.



  • Design > Diagram > Edit > Lock      (on selected diagram)
  • Design > Element > Edit > Lock      (on selected element)

Context Menu

Select one of:

  • Project Browser | Right-click on diagram | Lock
  • Project Browser | Right-click on element | Lock
  • Project Browser | Select a Package, diagram or element and press Ctrl+Shift+L
  • On a diagram | Right-click on diagram background | Lock Diagram
  • On a diagram | Right-click on element | Lock Element       or
  • On a diagram | Select an element and press Ctrl+Shift+L

Set a lock on an element or diagram



See also


On the 'Lock Element' or 'Lock Diagram' dialog, in the 'Lock Type' panel, select the radio button for the required option:

  • 'No lock' - do not set a lock on this object; clear any existing lock that you have set, or clear any Full lock that other users have set
  • 'Full lock' - lock this object so that no-one can edit it without specifically clearing the lock
  • 'User lock' - lock this object so that only you can make further edits; other users cannot unlock or edit the object
  • 'Group lock' - lock this object so that any member of the specified group can edit the object; other users cannot unlock or edit the object


If you have selected the 'Group lock' option, in the 'GroupID' field click on the drop-down arrow and select the group containing users that can edit the object.

The 'GroupID' drop-down list only includes groups that you are a member of.


Click on the OK button.


  • To check whether the project security is in User/Group locking mode, select 'Configure > Security > Administer'; the 'Require User Lock to Edit' option should be deselected
  • You must have 'Lock Elements' permission to lock an element or diagram
  • If the item already has a lock, only the corresponding lock option and the 'No lock' option are highlighted; you have to release the lock in order to set a different type of lock
  • If a diagram is locked and you select an element on it, the element border displays in red, indicating that you cannot move it or resize it
  • If an element is locked and you click on it on a diagram, the element border displays in black; you can display the properties but not change them
  • If you select the 'Full Lock, no-one may edit' option, a red exclamation mark displays against the object in the Project Browser
  • If you select the 'User Lock, locking user may still edit' or 'Group lock, locking group may still edit' options, a blue exclamation mark displays against the object in the Project Browser; other users see a red exclamation mark

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