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Perspective Portal
The Perspective Portal provides a number of work Perspectives grouped by general work area. Each Perspective filters the modeling windows and dialogs to present only the modeling Patterns you might use in the work defined by the Perspective. When you select a Perspective the Model Wizard displays, showing the 'Model Patterns' tab and providing the model templates that you might use to initially create a model supporting the type of work.
For example, if you select the 'Construction > Kanban' Perspective the Model Wizard presents three Kanban Patterns for one-stage, two-stage and three-stage workflows. As you open or refresh other windows, such as the 'New Diagram' dialog, the objects you can initially select are filtered to provide - in this example - only Patterns for developing Kanban diagrams.
The Perspectives you can select from the Portal, the Patterns they provide, and the facilities for managing Perspectives are described in the Perspectives section under 'Modeling Tools | Building Models' in the Help.
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