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The 'Details' tab of a Class element 'Properties' dialog helps you to define the structural and processing details for the selected element, and provides direct access to the Features window for defining Attributes and Operations in the element.


On a diagram or in the Browser window, select an element and:


Design > Element > Editors > Properties Dialog > General > Details

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter > General > Details


Double-click on element : General > Details

Set element details



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate value (blank, persistent or transient).


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the number of instances of the element that can exist - the value displays on the element in a diagram, in the Name compartment.

The format of the options in the selection list is defined in the 'Cardinality' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog.



Click on the drop-down arrow and select the element's scope ('Public', 'Private', 'Protected', 'Package').


Select the checkbox to identify the element as being abstract.

Is Root

Select the checkbox to identify the element as being a root element that cannot be descended from another element.

Is Leaf

Select the checkbox to identify the element as being final, so it cannot be a parent for other elements.

Is Specification

Select the checkbox to identify the element as being a specification.

Is Active

Select the checkbox to identify the element as being an Active Class.

Active Classes


Select the appropriate radio button to identify how concurrent Activities should be processed: Sequentially, Guarded, Active or Synchronous.

Collection Classes

Click on this button to define the Collection Classes (for generating code from Association relationships) that apply to this Class only, as the source in an Association relationship where the target role has a multiplicity of 1 or more.

This setting overrides the default for the programming language of the Class, set in the 'Preferences' dialog.

The 'Collection Classes for Association Roles' dialog displays.

Language Options Set Collection Classes


Click on this button to define the attributes for the Class.

The Features window displays, showing the 'Attributes' tab.



Click on this button to define the operations for the Class.

The Features window displays, showing the 'Operations' tab.

Define Properties of Operations

Classifier Behavior

(For a Class, SysML Block or SysML Internal Block element, this field is enabled if the element has a child Interaction, StateMachine or Activity element.) Click on the Browse. icon and select the child element, to indicate that the execution of the element and its diagram define the behavior of the classifier. On the element on a diagram, note that the classifier behavior is indicated by its own compartment of the element.


  • When launched from an MDG Technology, the Attributes button and Operations button are not available

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