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Create Review Document

When you are managing the work of a project team, it is useful to have a mechanism for coordinating and guiding the work that the team members are required to do on the elements in the Specification Package, such as a review document. You can generate this type of document quickly and simply from the Specification Manager, to be distributed, accessed and read through the Team Library facility.

There are, broadly, two types of review document that you can generate:

  • A specification document that contains the material to be reviewed - the individual features of each element - such as a Model Overview, List of Issues or Maintenance Report, and
  • A management or review document that guides the reader in applying tests, checks and procedures across the Package, such a Phase Review, Test Plan or Training Plan

You can generate both kinds of document from one of a range of templates, or create a document without using any template. The templates are all those available through the Report Generator (specification documents) or Linked Document Editor (management documents), whether system-provided or user-designed.

The specification documents automatically structure information from the Specification Manager according to the selected template and should not require further editing to serve their purpose (although it is possible to edit them if you need to). They are therefore termed 'auto-generated documents'.

By default, 'Review Documents' are stored in folders (Topics) in a special category of the Team Library, called 'Formal Reviews'. You can, however, generate those documents elsewhere in the Team Library, by binding the Specification Package to whichever Team Library folder is most appropriate to the Package. For example, if you have a modular structure in the Team Library, you might want to hold the 'Review Documents' for a Specification Package in the same section of the Team Library as folders containing discussions and documents on the part of the model containing that Package.



Start > Collaborate > Team Library

Create a Review Document



See also


On the 'Team Document' dialog, type a name for the document.

This is the name that you use to recognize and open the document in the Team Library folders.

View Review Document

RTF Template

Click on the drop-down arrow and select either:

  • 'None' to create a free-format document yourself, or
  • A document template name, to create a document of that type


Click on this button to open the document in the 'Document Editor', which you can use to populate the document with text and images, format it and print it.

At the same time:

  • The Team Library window opens
  • The 'Formal Reviews' category is created (if it does not already exist) in the Team Library
  • A folder is created with the same name as the Specification Package (if it does not already exist) in the 'Formal Reviews' category
  • The review document name is added to this folder

If you have bound the Package to a different Team Library folder, the 'Review Document' is created in that folder instead of under the 'Formal Reviews' category.

Custom Template Design Options Team Library

Auto-generate a Review Document



See also


On the 'Team Document' dialog, type a name for the document.

This is the name that you use to recognize and open the document in the Team Library folders.

View Review Document

RTF Template

Click on the drop-down arrow and select a document report system-template name, to create a document of that type


Click on this button to generate the document through the Document Report Generator, containing the information currently displayed in the Specification Manager, within the parameters of the report template.

At the same time:

  • The Team Library window opens
  • The 'Formal Reviews' category is created (if it does not already exist) in the Team Library
  • A folder is created with the same name as the Specification Package (if it does not already exist) in the 'Formal Reviews' category
  • The review document name is added to this folder

The document is displayed in the 'TeamLibrary' tab for any further editing and modification you need, although the document is effectively ready for immediate use.

If you have bound the Package to a different Team Library' folder, the 'Review Document' is created in that folder instead of under the 'Formal Reviews' category.

Team Library Custom Template Design Options

Bind Package to different Team Library folder



See also


On the 'Select a Topic to Link' dialog, click on the expansion box next to the appropriate category name to display the topic folders it contains.


Click on the appropriate topic folder name.


Click on the OK button.

When you:

  • Create a 'Review Document', it will now be automatically stored in the selected topic folder
  • Select the 'Show Current Review Folder' option, the Team Library window will open with the selected folder name highlighted and expanded
  • Select the 'Current Reviews' option, the submenu will list the documents held in the selected folder; click on one to open it
View Review Document


  • For a given Specification Package, you can generate as many review documents as you require
  • Before you generate a Review Document from the Specification Manager, you could run the system Spell Checker over the Specification Package to remove any errors in the text

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