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Import a Scenario File

Scenarios have been, and continue to be, created as text descriptions in document files. These might be simple paragraph descriptions or more complex constructions with numbered and bulleted lists. As a valuable time-saving facility, you can use the text of these files as the source for new structured scenario specifications within the model. You might write a draft description in a text file and then import it into the model as a template for the structured scenario.

To create a scenario in this way, firstly access the Scenarios View as described in the Scenarios View Help topic. Then:

  1. In the 'Scenario' field, type a name for the new scenario.
  2. In the text or document file, select and copy the required text.
  3. In the body of the Scenarios View, right-click and select the 'Create Structure From Clipboard Text' option. This displays two sub-options:
         -  'New Line Delimited', which creates a new step after each carriage return in the captured text
         -  'Sentence Delimited', which creates a new step after each sentence in the text; that is, after
            each full stop/space/capital letter combination
  4. Select the appropriate option for your requirements. The Scenarios View organizes the copied text into a series of numbered steps, alternating between non-system actor and system actor roles.
  5. Edit and add to the scenario as suggested by the Set Up Scenario Specification Help topic, and using the facilities described in the Scenarios View subtopics.


  • If the Scenarios View already contains scenario steps when you import text from a file, those steps are overwritten, not merged or appended

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