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Getting to know the Glossary

Introducing the Glossary

The Glossary is a project level lexicon of the important terms and their meanings categorized by type. Any number of terms, their types and meanings can be defined and these can be referenced from the notes of model elements. The terms can be included in documentation or generated as a stand-alone report. When working with domain specific requirement specifications, architectures and other models it is essential that new terms and over-ridden meanings for common words or phrases are kept in a suitable dictionary format to ensure proper understanding of documentation and specifications.

Entering a glossary item in the Glossary Item Details dialog.

Where to find the Glossary

Ribbon: Publish > Dictionary > Glossary

Usage of the Glossary

The project Glossary can be used to record the important terms of a project or domain grouped by the type of term, allowing business, technical and domain specific types to be defined. A Glossary Report can be generated as a stand alone report or the glossary can be included as a section of another document.

Options for the Glossary

The Glossary has a number of options to determine the terms that are displayed in the list and to define the style that is used for types of terms in documentation.

The context menu for glossary items.

Learn more about the Glossary

Project Glossary