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Enterprise Architect is a highly compliant tool for modeling enterprise architectures using the ArchiMate language and in compliance with the specification it allows users, teams, organizations or industries to customize the language. This is always intended as a specialization of the existing language constructs and is never intended to compromise or compete with the linguistic structure of the language. This is a very useful feature and provides a mechanism for the addition of user-defined properties to elements, relationships and relationship connectors. For example engineering organizations may wish to add user defined properties associated with safety or performance whereas a financial organization may wish to add properties concerning money or credit.
The following example shows the specialization of an ArchiMate business actor into two elements and an ArchiMate Flow relationship into a Money Flow. The Organizational Unit for example has two user defined properties added namely:
- Corporate Level
- Location
Figure: Showing the specialization of an ArchiMate business actor and a flow relationship