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Data Miner Set

A Data Miner Set element (DMSet) can be used to return a set of data from a DMConnection element. It will retrieve data from all DMConnection elements that it is connected to, and optionally run a query on connections that support or require it.

Data Miner Set - Type

The Data Miner has two options for the Type:

  • SQL
  • None

The SQL Type setting can be used with Data Sources that are set to the Type - 'ODBC' or 'EA Repository'. For the other Data Source types, set this option to None. The DMSet Type is set in the Properties window (Ctrl+2) > DMSet > Type.

Data Miner Visualizer

For a Data Miner Set that is typed as SQL, you can access the Data Miner Visualizer. This is used for setting a SQL query to be run, that returns the set of data to be processed in the Data Miner Script. The Visualizer also shows the results of the SQL query.

To access this:

  • Right-click on a DMSet element
  • From the context menu, select Open Data Miner Visualizer

For more details see the Data Miner Visualizer Help topic.


  • Each DMSet can harvest data from multiple DMConnection elements
  • Multiple DMSet elements can harvest data from a single DMConnection

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