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Collaborate Panel

Enterprise Architect is a convenient collaboration platform that allows any number of people to work on models and diagrams at the same time, in a cooperative and team effort. The collaboration tools include Reviews and Discussions of elements, the Model Library, Model Mail - which contains messages from other modelers - the Project Calendar listing important events, the 'Journal' informal comment capture facility, Gantt Charts listing work allocations and Kanban diagrams where tasks are presented. The tools ensure that communication about the elements, diagrams, lists and matrices are available in the model and links can be created back to these items from the collaboration tools. The 'Collaborate' panel conveniently brings these tools together, ensuring that you are informed about what you need to attend to and made aware of information that is important to your role.

Part of the Start ribbon in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Available Facilities



See also


Displays either the Discuss & Review window at the 'Journal' tab (main icon) or a short menu (drop-down arrow) providing these options:

  • Journal - opens the Discuss & Review window at the 'Journal' tab, which providing a great facility for maintaining a daily log of reminders of what the developers concerned with a selected element or diagram have done or intend to do for the selected object
  • Journal History - opens the Discuss & Review History window at the Journal tab, on which you can review the journal entries for elements, grouped for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month and Last Month
  • Help - displays the Journal Help topic
The Journal Window Discuss & Review - History Window


Displays either the Discuss & Review window (main icon), on which you can manage current discussions of elements and diagrams, or a menu (drop-down arrow) providing these options:

  • Discuss - to display the Discuss & Review window at the 'Discuss' tab, on which you can create a new discussion or add to an existing discussion on a specific element or diagram
  • Discussion History - to display the Discuss & Review - History window at the 'Discussions' tab, on which you can review the separate discussions of elements recorded in the model, grouped for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month and Last Month
  • Recently Discussed - to run a report that presents elements that have been the subject of discussion in the last 7 days (you can change the number of days in the 'Search Term' field)
  • Help - to display the Discussions Help topic
Model Discussions Discuss & Review - History Window


Displays either the Discuss & Review window (main icon), on which you can set up and manage reviews of elements or diagrams, or a menu (drop-down arrow) providing these options:

  • Review - to display the Discuss & Review window at the 'Review' tab, on which you can join a review and create new discussion points or responses within that review, on any element or diagram
  • Review History - to display the  Discuss & Review - History window at the 'Reviews' tab, showing the elements included in a selected review; you can switch to the 'Review' tab of the Discuss & Review window to show the details of a selected element under review
  • Manage Reviews - to display the Reviews view, listing all current and recent reviews of elements
  • Help - to display the Reviews Help topic
Model Reviews


Displays either the Chat & Mail window (main icon), on which you can start or continue Chats, or a menu (drop-down arrow) providing these options:

  • Chat - to display the Chat & Mail window at the 'Chat' tab, on which you can follow and participate in quick conversations on a point of interest, with a selected user or members of a selected user group
  • Chat History - to display the Chat & Mail window at the 'Chat History' tab, on which you can review the separate chats recorded in the model, grouped for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month and Last Month
  • Recent Chats - to run a report that presents chats that have been recorded in the last 3 days (you can change the number of days in the 'Search Term' field to cover a longer period)
  • Help - to display the Model Chat Help topic
Model Chat


Click on this icon to display the 'Mail' tab of the Chat & Mail window, which provides access to the Model Mail facility. This enables you to send, receive and respond to emails within the project team, under your User Security ID, either as an individual user or as a member of a group that has a shared mail inbox.

If you click on the drop-down arrow, you can select from options to:

  • Open the 'Sent Messages' tab of the main work area, listing all emails sent by you or by other members of the security groups of which you are a member
  • Open the 'Model Message' dialog, in which you create and send an email message to one or more team members
  • (Having selected a model object first) Open the 'Model Message' dialog that already contains a hyperlink to the selected object
Model Mail

Model Home

This icon presents two options:

  • Open Model Diagram - which opens the diagram that has been defined as the default model diagram for all users of the model
  • Manage - provides sub-options to set the currently-open diagram as the model default, search for and select another diagram as the model default, or clear the current default selection; you have to have the proper authorization to set the model default diagram
User and Model Default Diagrams

Model Library

Click on this icon to open the Model Library, which you use to review and add to a hierarchically-structured repository of comments, reports, reviews and documents on any structure, feature or aspect of the project or of other, related projects.

The Model Library


Displays the Project Calendar, defaulted to today's date, on which you can check for scheduled meetings and reminders of events, and add items for today or any day in the future.

The Model Calendar