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Tools Panel
The 'Tools' panel brings together a collection of tools for analyzing the execution of an application. The tools available are a fully featured Debugger, an execution Profiler and a stack trace Recorder. There are also facilities for running the application and recording Test Point output, for subsequent analysis.

Available Facilities
Facility |
Description |
See also |
Analyzer |
Displays the Execution Analyzer window, which lists - by Package - all Analyzer Scripts defined in the model. From this window, you can create, edit and manage scripts that specify the commands and parameters required to build, test, run, debug, deploy and simulate your applications. The window's toolbar buttons provide for control of script tasks such as build, run, test and deploy, and also provide access to a range of debugging facilities. The icon also provides access to the Job Queue window. This window streamlines the process of working with Analyzer Scripts; when an Analyzer Script context menu option is executed (for example, 'Build') it is placed in a job queue; multiple jobs can be queued, and other work performed while the jobs are processed. |
Managing Analyzer Scripts The Job Queue Window |
Services |
These options enable you to start, stop and test local supporting VEA services. Those services might run a native Linux program, for example, or build a project.
Services |
Debugger |
Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of options for starting and using the Debugger.
Process First Chance Exceptions Just-in-time Debugger Create Sequence Diagram of Call Stack Debug a Running Application Debugging |
Profiler |
The Profiler is used to record stack trace information for an application that is being analyzed, at pre-determined sampling intervals. Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of commands for starting and working with the application Profiler.
Call Graph Generate, Save and Load Profile Reports Profiling |
Recorder |
The Recorder is used to record information about function calls made by an application that is being analyzed. Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of commands for starting and working with the Recorder.
Synchronization Generating Sequence Diagrams The Recording History |
Tester |
Test Points are a scheme by which rules and constraints governing the behavior of objects can be taken from the model to create Test Cases to verify the application. Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of options for working with Test Points and Test Cases.
Object Workbench The Testpoints Window |
Opens the XSLT Debugger, to debug an XSL Transformation. |
Debug an XSL Transformation |