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Add Database Manager - Firebird
Firebird-based repositories are the simplest DBMS to add to the Pro Cloud Server and can be either completely new or an existing repository.
New Firebird Repository
To add a completely new repository, just enter the physical file name of the new model (for example, MyFireBird.feap) and click on the
The Pro Cloud Server will automatically create a new empty Enterprise Architect repository database and add it to the list of defined Database Managers on the main Pro Cloud Server Configuration Client screen.
Existing Firebird Repository
To add an existing Firebird database to your Pro Cloud Server environment, the physical file must first be copied into the 'Models' folder in the Pro Cloud Server's installation folder (the default being 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service\Models'). This ensures the Pro Cloud Server has the necessary security permissions to the file.
Once the existing file is placed in the 'Models' folder, simply enter the filename of the database in the 'Add Database Manager' screen and click on the OK button. Your existing database will then be added to the list of defined Database Managers on the main Pro Cloud Server Configuration Client screen.
Background Information
Firebird is a free, open source rational database that runs on a variety of platforms. Firebird is very sophisticated and offers great concurrency, scalability and performance. It can be used in an enterprise setting and has been used in production systems, under a variety of names, since 1981.
To discover more about the Firebird database, please visit this website:
The Introduction to Pro Cloud Server webinar shows the use of a Firebird database. You can view the webinar by clicking on this link: