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WebEA provides a facility that enables you to search through the model for a specific item or group of items that have certain characteristics. This can help you to quickly locate objects of importance, such as elements you have created yourself (if you have the access privileges to do so).

The search can be accessed by selecting the main 'Search' tab, then the 'Search' tab within the search view.

Search Specification

Define your search using these options.



See also


Type or paste in the string of characters or digits you want to locate - name, Notes text or the complete object ID. Be aware that for some DBMSs - such as Firebird or Oracle - searches are case-sensitive.

Search for

Select one of these object types to search:

  • Diagrams
  • Elements
  • Packages
  • Discussions, or
  • Reviews

If you select 'Discussions', the 'Search in' and 'Term' options are not relevant and so are grayed out and unavailable. The search is for elements having active discussions within the specified time period.

Note: the 'Discussions' option is only available in models that have the show_discuss parameter set to "true" in the WebEA configuration file. Similarly, the 'Reviews' option is only available when the participate_in_reviews parameter is set to "true" in the configuration file.

Search in

Select from the list of fields to search:

  • Name
  • Name, Alias and Notes (the proper name, an assigned alternative name, and any text written in the object's 'Notes' field)
  • Author (the person who created the object)
  • ID (the GUID of the object, displayed as the last item in the 'Properties' panel when you expand it)


Select the period of time that should be searched. You can select to search for objects modified:

  • Today
  • Within the last 3 days
  • Within the last 7 days
  • Within the last 14 days
  • Within the last 30 days
  • Within the last 12 months
  • At any time

Run Search

Click or tap this button to execute the search and locate the objects that meet the search criteria.

Search Results

When you execute the search the results are displayed on the left side of the search view. The results provide the object name, type, author and last-modified date of each object that matches the search criteria. If you click on an item, then its properties will be displayed in the panel to the right.

Within the properties panel you can use the 'Find in Model' button (shown below) to locate the object in your model (I.e. switching to 'Model' tab).

If you would like to perform a new search click on the back arrow (shown below) in the Search Results header to return to the Search input fields.

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