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Debugging Configuration Windows

Debugger Configuration

This section describes the Debug section of an Analyzer Script in respect to debugging Mono under Windows.  Fields that are not listed here are not required.



See also


Select 'Mono'.


Select if the program to be debugged is a 64 bit executable.

Run or Attach

Choose 'Run' to name the program to launch. Choose 'Attach' if you will always attach to a running process.

Default Directory

The default directory that the program will take when it runs.

Application Path

The full path of the Mono application.

Command Line Arguments

Any parameters to pass to the program. If the parameters contain spaces, surround them in double quotes (")

Starting Mono Automatically

You can configure Enterprise Architect to start Mono for you when you start the debugger. You do this by configuring the 'Runtime Host' page of your Analyzer Script. The format of the commands is described here:

     cd path-to-program

     mono --debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address=host:port,server=y,suspend=y program


- path-to-program is the directory path where the program is located

- host is one of these:

  • localhost
  • an IP address
  • a networked machine name

- port  is the Port for the socket

- program is the name of the application (such as MonoProgram.exe)

Starting Mono Manually using the command line

You can start Mono manually from a console. Locate the program in your file explorer, then open a console at that location. The format of the command line is described here:

     mono --debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address=host:port,server=y,suspend=y program

where host is one of these:

  • localhost
  • an IP address
  • a networked machine name

port is the Port for the socket and program is the name of the application (for example, MonoProgram.exe).