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Chart Class
The Chart Class is the primary interface for Chart elements; it is used to create a series, add datapoints to a series and configure the chart appearance.
Chart Attributes
Attribute |
Description |
See also |
Title |
String Notes: Read/Write The title of the chart. |
Category |
ChartCategory Notes: Read only The chart category; provided in the SetChartType method. |
ChartCategory |
Type |
ChartType Notes: Read only The chart type; provided in the SetChartType method. |
ChartType |
Chart Methods
Method |
Description |
See also |
AddChartDataYXZ(double Y, double X, double Z, long seriesIndex) |
long Adds a datapoint to an existing series. Parameters:
AddChartDataYY1(string category, double Y, double Y1, long seriesIndex) |
long Adds a datapoint to an existing series. Parameters:
CreateSeries(string name) |
LDISPATCH Adds a new series to the chart. Returns an interface that can be used to add data to the series and configure its appearance. Parameters:
CreateSeriesEx(string name, long color, ChartType type, ChartCategory category) |
LDISPATCH Creates a series of a particular chart category and type and returns an IChartSeries interface. This allows charts to form multiple series in various ways. The CombinedCharts in the EAExample Model are an example of this, displaying three series for the Area, Column and Line categories respectively. Parameters:
EnableResizeAxes(boolean bEnable) |
void Grants or denies the ability to resize axes. Parameters:
GetChartAxis(ChartAxisType type) |
LDISPATCH Returns an IChartAxis interface for the specified axis. Parameters:
ChartAxisType |
GetDiagram3D() |
LDISPATCH Returns an IChartDiagram interface that can be used to specify the rendering engine; Software or OpenGL. |
GetSeries(long index) |
LDISPATCH Returns an IChartSeries interface for the given index. Indices for series begin at zero. Parameters:
GetSeriesCount() |
long Returns the number of series represented by the chart. |
Redraw() |
void Redraws the chart. |
SetChartType(ChartType type, ChartCategory category, boolean bRedraw, boolean bResizeAxis) |
void This is typically the first call made on the Chart interface. It defines the style and appearance of the Chart when it is rendered. Parameters:
SetCurveType(ChartCurveType type) |
void Sets the interpolation method of drawing the curve. Parameters:
SetSeriesShadow(boolean bShow) |
void Displays or hides shadows on series. Parameters:
SetThemeOpacity(long percentage) |
void Sets the opacity of the chart. Parameters:
ShowAxis(long index) |
void Shows the axis for the given index. Parameters:
ChartAxisType |
ShowDataLabels(boolean show, boolean border, boolean dropLineTomarker) |
void Shows or hides data labels on the chart. Parameters:
ShowDataMarkers(boolean show, long size, ChartmarkerShape shape) |
void Shows or hides data markers on the chart. Also allows setting the appearance of markers. Parameters:
ChartMarkerShape |