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ChartSeries Class
ChartSeries Methods
Method |
Description |
See also |
AddBoxPlotData(double ave, double min, double q1, double q2, double q3, double max, double notched) |
long For a chart having the BoxPlot category, adds a single datapoint to the series. Parameters:
ChartCategory |
AddDataPoint(double Y) |
long Adds a datapoint to the series. Returns the index of the point, which is the number of points -1. Parameters:
AddDataPoint2(double Y, double X) |
long Adds a datapoint to the series. Returns the index of the point, which is the number of points -1. Parameters:
AddDataPoint3(string category, double Y) |
long Adds a Y axis value for a given category on the X axis. Parameters:
AddStockData(double open, double high, double low, double closing, VARIANT timestamp) |
void Adds data to a series for a chart of the Stock category. Parameters:
AddSurfaceColors(VARIANT colors) |
void Adds one or more colors to the series. Parameters:
CloseShape(boolean close, boolean fill) |
void Connects the first and last datapoints and fills the shape if 'fill' is true. Parameters
GetDataPointCount() |
long Returns the number of datapoints in the series. |
GetDataPointValue(long index) |
LDISPATCH Returns a ChartDataValue interface for the datapoint with the given index. Parameters:
ChartDataValue Class |
GetSeriesFormat() |
LDISPATCH Returns a ChartFormatSeries interface that allows the chart appearance to be changed. |
ChartFormatSeries Class |
SetBarShape(long barshape) |
void Sets the shape for Bar charts, 0 for Box, 1 for Pyramid, 2 for PyramidPartial. Parameters:
ChartBarShape |
SetColorMapCount(long count) |
void Sets the number of colors used when rendering the series. Typical values are 4, 8, 16 and 32 Parameters:
SetColorMode(ChartColorMode mode) |
void For 3D charts, sets the interpolation method for filling shapes. Single, for example, would result in the 3D object being filled by varying the color slightly. The level of variation will depend on the number of colors used by the chart (see SetColorMapCount). Parameters:
ChartColorMode |
SetDrawFlat(boolean flat) |
void Draws the shape flattened when set to true. Parameters:
SetFrameColor(long color) |
void Sets the color of the frame for 3D objects. Parameters:
SetFrameStyle(ChartFrameStyle style) |
void Sets the frame style for the chart - none, mesh, contour or both. Parameters:
ChartFrameStyle |
SetGradientType(long type) |
void Sets the gradient type to use. Parameters:
ChartGradientType |
SetGroupID(long id) |
void Groups series on a stacked chart having the same id. Must be a non-negative number. Parameters:
SetLevelRangeMode(long mode) |
void Sets the mode for ranges in series.
SetRelatedAxis(string axis, long index) |
void Sets the related axis for a series. The related axis is created using the Split function of the ChartAxis interface. The axis is first created using Split, then a new series is created, and this function called on it to one of its axes. The axis is specified by the index parameter; the value is one of the ChartAxisIndex enumerations (0 for X, 1 for Y or 2 for Z) Parameters:
ChartAxisIndex |
SetStockSeriesType(ChartStockSeriesType type) |
void For Stock charts, sets the graphic used to render the series. Parameters:
ChartStockSeriesType |
SetWireFrame(boolean wired) |
void Sets the wireframe option on or off. When set to true, the chart is no longer rendered as a solid object but is instead rendered as a frame composed of wires. Parameters: