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Add Database Datatypes

When creating an MDG Technology file, you can include DDL files defining the Database Datatypes for each of the databases you intend to use through your technology and for which you have set up data types. Before you can set up a DDL file for a new database type, you must define at least one data type for that database.



Specialize > Technologies > Publish Technology > Generate MDG Technology

Add Database Datatypes to the MDG Technology File



See also


Follow the steps in the Create MDG Technologies topic up to and including Step 7, where you select the 'DDL Files' checkbox.

The 'MDG Technology Wizard - DDL Files' page displays, listing the database types available in your current project.

Create MDG Technology File


Click on the checkbox against each database type for which you want to include a DDL file in the technology. Also select the corresponding 'Datatypes' checkbox if datatypes exist for the DDL in the model.

Developing Programming Languages


Click on the Next button to proceed.