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StateMachine Table Options

You can choose the StateMachine table layout and set other options from the 'StateMachine Diagram: Options' dialog, which you display by either:

  • Double-clicking on the StateMachine table background or
  • Right-clicking on the background and selecting the 'State Table Options' option




See also

Table Format

Select the required table format.

State - Trigger:

  • Rows represent States, each State name in a left edge cell
  • Columns represent Triggers, each Trigger name in a column header cell
  • The intersection of a row and column identifies the Transition (if there is one)
  • The Transition cell displays information about the next State and the condition (guard) of the Transition

Trigger - State: as for State - Trigger, except that rows represent Triggers and columns represent States.

State - Next State:

  • Both rows and columns represent States
  • The intersection of row and column defines the transition (if there is one) from the row State to the column State

Cell Size

Complete the next four fields.

Transition Cell Width

Specify the width of the transition cells (that is, the column width).

Transition Cell Height

Specify the height of the transition cells (that is, the row height).

Left Edge Cell Width

Specify the width of the left edge (row title) cells.

Top Edge Cell Height

Specify the height of the top edge (column title) cells.

Cell Color

Complete the next three fields.

State/Trigger Cell

Select the color of the row and column title cells.

State/Trigger Enumeration

Select the color of the enumeration (row/column numbering) cells.

You must select at least one of the 'Enable State Enumeration' and 'Enable Event Enumeration' checkboxes to set this color.

Transition Cell

Select the color of the transition cells (in the main body of the table).

Highlight Options

Highlight Zones Related to Selected Transition

Highlight the cells for all elements involved in a selected transition - the initial state, the target state, and the trigger.

Highlight Color

Select the color of the highlight.

Use Different Color for Target State

Highlight the cell for the target element in a transition in a different color to the cell for the source element.

Target Zone Color

Select the color of the highlight.

Display Options

Always Display an Empty State Zone

Add an empty row (and, on a State - Next State table, an empty column) to the end of the table.

The title cell contains a Browse. button. You can click twice (not double-click) on the button to edit the cell and identify a new state. In this case, another empty state zone is automatically added.

Enable State Enumeration

Add a cell to each state title cell, to number the state. Numbering starts at 0.


If required, type a prefix for the state number or delete the default 'S' to have no prefix.

Enable Event Enumeration

Add a cell to each event or trigger title cell, to number the event. Numbering starts at 0.


If required, type a prefix for the event number or delete the default E to have no prefix.

Sample State Table

Display a preview of the table format as you define it.


Define diagram options. The StateMachine diagram 'Properties' dialog displays.

Diagram Properties

Restore Defaults

Reapply the State Table diagram default values.


Apply the changed options to the State Table diagram.