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Filled Workflow Data Structures

These are the workflow data structures (objects) that Enterprise Architect fills.

Data Structures

Workflow Data Structure


See also


This object provides information about the user currently logged in to the model.

It is filled by Enterprise Architect before any function is called by Enterprise Architect; it has these properties:

  • Username - the username for login to the system (if using Windows Authentication, this matches the Windows username)
  • Firstname - as found in the 'Security Users' dialog
  • Surname - as found in the 'Security Users' dialog
  • Fullname - the combination <Firstname> <Surname> (the form Enterprise Architect uses for 'Author' fields and similar)
  • Department - the department in which the user works, as found in the 'Security Users' dialog

Calls: This object calls the IsMemberOf(GroupName) function.

Maintain Users


This object provides information about the object currently in context.

It is filled by Enterprise Architect before any searches except GetWorkflowTasks are run; it has these properties:

  • MetaType - the type of the current object, either an Enterprise Architect core type or a profile-specified metatype
  • Name - as found in the object 'Properties' dialog
  • Status - as found in the object 'Properties' dialog
  • Phase - as found in the object 'Properties' dialog
  • Version - as found in the object 'Properties' dialog
  • Stereotypes - an array of strings for the stereotypes applied to this object
  • Tags - an array of Tagged Values, providing:
         -  Name - the Tagged Value name
         -  Value - the Tagged Value value
  • Tests - an array of tests; only filled during an Allow* call after the PreAllow* call has specified that tests are required; provides these details, as found in the Test Cases window:
         -  Name
         -  Status
         -  RunBy
         -  CheckedBy
         -  TestClass
         -  TestType

Calls: This object calls the TagValue(TagName) function.

Functions - Create a Search With User Tasks





Check the group membership of the current user.

Return Value: Returns the value True if the current user is a member of the group with the specified name.


Get the value from a named tag.

Return Value: Returns the value of the first Tagged Value with that name, or an empty string if no Tagged Value with that name exists.