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Installing Enterprise Architect under macOS

This page describes how to install and upgrade Enterprise Architect on macOS environments using Wine. This applies for Mac OS 10.8 - 10.14.

For installation on macOS 10.15 and later, see the Installing Enterprise Architect using CrossOver (macOS) Help topic.

Download and Install Wine

Go to the WineHQ website,, and download the latest version of Wine that is available for the version of macOS that you are running.  We recommend using a 'stable' version of Wine rather a 'development' version.  Follow the instructions provided on the WineHQ website for installing Wine. 

Download 'Winetricks'

Winetricks is a helper script that assists with the installation of a number of run-time libraries required by Enterprise Architect.

The web page provides a link to the 'winetricks' file, which is currently:

Note:  The 'Winetricks' web page can also be located by searching for 'winetricks' on the WineHQ website.




Using an Internet browser, navigate to the web page:


Locate the file link

Right-click on the file link and save the file locally as  '/Applications/winetricks'.


If the file is saved as 'winetricks.txt', rename it as 'winetricks'.

In a Terminal window, issue the command:

  • mv  /Applications/winetricks.txt  /Applications/winetricks


Change the permissions of 'winetricks' to make it executable. 

In a Terminal window, issue the command:

  • chmod  +x  /Applications/winetricks

Use 'Winetricks' to Install Run-Time Libraries

Use the helper script ‘winetricks’ to install the run-time libraries MDAC28, MSXML3 and MSXML4, which are required by Enterprise Architect.




On your Mac, use 'Finder' to open the 'Applications' folder.


Double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable') to open a Terminal window that is configured to use the Wine environment.


In the Terminal window, issue these commands:

  • /Applications/winetricks  msxml3
  • /Applications/winetricks  msxml4
  • /Applications/winetricks  mdac28

Note:  If or when you apply Wine updates to your system at some later date, they might interfere with the mdac28 module, preventing it from running. To avoid any issues, it is good practice after installing Wine updates, to run this command: 

  • winetricks --force mdac28

Install Jet 4.0 Database Engine

By using the Jet 4.0 database engine, Enterprise Architect can access database files that employ Unicode character encoding.

To install 'jet40', we will use 'Winetricks'.  However, we must first install 'Homebrew' - which is a Package Manager for macOS - and 'cabextract' - which is software for extracting files from Microsoft cabinet files.




Install 'Homebrew'

'Homebrew' is an unofficial Package Manager for macOS.

To install 'Homebrew', open a Terminal window and issue this command:

     ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Note:  It will take a few minutes to download and install all of the required components.


Install 'cabextract'

The 'cabextract' application is software that is employed by 'Winetricks' to extract files from Microsoft cabinet files.

To install 'cabextract', open a Terminal window and issue the command:

  • brew install cabextract


Install Jet 4.0 Database Engine

Using 'Finder', display the Applications folder.

Double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable') to open a Terminal window configured to use the Wine environment.

In the Terminal window, issue the command:

  • /Applications/winetricks  jet40

Installing ODBC Drivers (Optional)

To connect directly to an Enterprise Architect project hosted on a third party DBMS, you will need to use an ODBC driver appropriate for the DB type.  To install an ODBC driver, first download the relevant installer, then run the installer using Wine.

Once the ODBC driver is installed, you can configure the connection from the Enterprise Architect ribbon: 'Settings > User Tools > ODBC Data Sources'.

Note:  For improved performance when accessing a remote DBMS over a WAN connection, you should consider using Sparx System's Cloud Server.




Use 'Finder' to open the 'Applications' folder, then double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable') to open a Terminal window configured to use the Wine environment.


Run the installer by issuing a command similar to one of those provided here, substituting the name of the ODBC Driver installer that you want to run.

For .msi files, use:

  • wine  msiexec  /i   Downloads/<odbc-driver_name>.msi

For .exe files, use:

  • wine  Downloads/<odbc-driver_name>.exe

Install Enterprise Architect Inside Wine

When you install applications using Wine, the applications will be installed in the '.wine' folder, within your home directory.

For Enterprise Architect, the default installation folder will be '.wine\drive_c\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA'.

(If you chose to include support for 64 bit systems when you installed Wine, then 'Program Files (x86)' will be used instead of 'Program Files'.)




Download the latest Enterprise Architect installer.


Open a Terminal window configured to use the Wine environment.

(This is where you will run the installation commands.)

  • Using 'Finder', double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable') in the Applications folder


Install Enterprise Architect by issuing one of these commands, which relate to the registered and trial installations respectively:

  • wine  msiexec  /i  Downloads/easetupfull.msi
  • wine  msiexec  /i  Downloads/easetup.msi

Install Carlito Font

We recommend installing the Carlito font, so that text in diagrams appears as it does in a native Windows installation. This also prevents the diagram from resizing unnecessarily.

By default, Enterprise Architect uses Microsoft's Calibri font, but this font is not available under macOS (or under Wine) unless you have previously installed a Microsoft product such as MS Office.




Download the Carlito font files.

-  Carlito font can be downloaded from:  ''

Note:  The web page contains advertisements; to download the font files, click on the DOWNLOAD CARLITO button.


The font files are packaged into ZIP files.  Extract the font files from the ZIP archive.


Use 'Font Book' to install the fonts, which will make them available for use in all applications.

  • Using 'Finder', double-click on 'Font Book' in the Applications folder to launch that application
  • Choose 'File | Add Fonts...' from the Font Book main menu to open the file selection window
  • Navigate to and select all of the Carlito font files
  • Click on 'Open'

Create an Alias On Your Desktop to Run Enterprise Architect




Using 'Finder', open your 'home' folder.


From the Finder menu, choose 'Go | Go to Folder...', then enter '.wine' in the dialog that opens.  (Notice the 'dot' prefix in this folder name.)


Navigate to 'drive_c\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA'.

(If you chose to include support for 64 bit systems when you installed Wine, then navigate to 'drive_c\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\EA' instead.)


Within this folder, locate the file 'EA.exe'.  Right-click on 'EA.exe' and choose 'Make Alias'.

Rename the alias as 'Enterprise Architect', then drag the alias onto your Desktop.

Alternatively, drag 'EA.exe' onto the Dock.


Launch Enterprise Architect by double-clicking the shortcut on the Desktop, or by clicking the shortcut in the Dock.

Upgrading Enterprise Architect Using Wine

To upgrade Enterprise Architect to a new version, you must first uninstall your current version, before installing the new version.




Download the latest Enterprise Architect installer.


Open a Terminal window configured to use the Wine environment, then launch the Wine 'Uninstaller'.

  • Using 'Finder', double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable') in the Applications folder
  • Issue the command 'wine uninstaller'; the Wine 'Add/Remove Programs' window is displayed


Uninstall the existing version of Enterprise Architect.

  • Select Enterprise Architect from the Applications list
  • Click on the Remove button
  • Follow the prompts to uninstall Enterprise Architect


Install the new version of Enterprise Architect.

  • Using 'Finder', double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable') in the Applications folder
  • Issue the command 'wine msiexec /i  Downloads/easetupfull.msi'
  • Follow the prompts to install Enterprise Architect

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