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Create a Link to a DOORS Module

In the MDG Link for DOORS you can create a link between Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and an existing IBM® Rational® DOORS® module, which enables you to exchange requirements data between DOORS and Enterprise Architect. You can also redirect the link to a different module. Through this link you can import data from DOORS to Enterprise Architect, and export data from Enterprise Architect to DOORS.



Click on target Package, then:

Specialize > Add-Ins > DOORS > Connect External Project

Context Menu

Browser window | Right-click on target Package | Specialize | DOORS | Add/Edit Module

Modules Manager Dialog

Use the 'Modules Manager' dialog to locate an existing DOORS module and create a link to it.

DOORS Modules Manager in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Create a Link to a DOORS Module




On the 'Modules Manager' dialog, click on the Add button. The 'Add/Edit Module' dialog displays.

Adding/Editing a DOORS module, in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

The 'Module Name' field displays the name of the selected Module, to identify the link to the module. You cannot edit this name.


Click on the Select Module button to open the 'Browse - DOORS' dialog (in DOORS itself).

The Browse DOORS dialog in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


Expand the module hierarchy as necessary to locate the required module, and click on it.


Click on the OK button to return to the 'Add/Edit Module' dialog, which now displays the module path and name in the 'Module Path' field.

Saving an added/edited DOORS module in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


Click on the Save button. The 'Module Manager' dialog redisplays, showing the newly-created module link. You can now use this link to exchange requirements data between Enterprise Architect and DOORS.

DOORS Module Manager with selected module, in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog.

Edit or Delete a Link to a DOORS Module

If the existing link to the DOORS module is not appropriate, you can delete or redirect it.




On the 'Modules Manager' dialog, click on the link to change.

  • To delete it, click on the Delete button and on the Close button; this ends the procedure
  • To redirect it, click on the Edit button; the 'Add/Edit Module' dialog redisplays


On the 'Add/Edit Module' dialog, click on the Select Module button to display the 'Browse - DOORS' dialog (in DOORS).


Expand the hierarchy as necessary on the 'Browse - DOORS' dialog, and click on the replacement module for the link.


Click on the OK button to return to the 'Add/Edit Module' dialog, which now shows the module path of the replacement module.

Note that you cannot edit the link name.


Click on the Save button. The 'Module Manager' dialog redisplays, showing the edited module link.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog.


  • You can also create and edit links to DOORS modules through the 'Export to Doors' and 'Import from Doors' dialogs, using the Module Manager button

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