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Data Map Analysis

A valid Data Map diagram is basically an Entity Relationship diagram constructed using Principal Entity, Structure Entity and Intersecting Entity elements. The relationships between them are defined by the business rules.

  • Principal Entities are identified from the Business Entities in scope
  • Intersecting Entities are used to break a many-to-many association between Principal Entities, which form potential business processes
  • Structure Entities represent the existence of a potential knowledge base

This is an example of a valid Data Map diagram:

Zachman Framework Data Map diagram in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Cluster Reports and Process Maps are deliverables of a valid Data Map diagram analysis.

Perform a Data Map diagram analysis

With the Data Map diagram to be analyzed open and active, either:

  • Select the 'Specialize > Add-Ins > Zachman Framework > Do Data-Map Analysis' ribbon option, or
  • Right-click on the Data Map diagram in the Browser window, and select the 'Specialize | Zachman Framework | Do Data-Map Analysis' context menu option

The 'Data Map Analysis' dialog displays.

Zachman Framework Data Map dialog in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Click on the checkbox against each deliverable required. If you have selected 'Generate Cluster Report', also enter the file pathname under which to save the report.

Click on the Generate button.