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Using the Zachman Framework

The Zachman Framework provides a model-based framework for planning, designing and implementing the Architecture for an Enterprise. The starter model provided with the Technology acts as a base upon which you can build the Enterprise Architecture. You can create the appropriate diagrams from the extended Enterprise Architect UML diagram set, using Toolbox pages that support every cell of the Zachman classification framework.

The Technology also provides model validation and reporting capabilities for strategic project plans.

Within Enterprise Architect you can choose between Diagram View and Element List View. Element List View can be used in cells where you prefer to define only the model artifacts.

You can also align cells across the framework (horizontally and vertically) through the Enterprise Architect Relationship Matrix.

You can view a demonstration video of the MDG Technology For Zachman Framework in use, on the Sparx Systems website.

The Zachman Framework Help topics provide a detailed exploration of the Zachman Framework tools and features, such as.

  • The example Enterprise Architect model for the Zachman Framework
  • UML profiles (Toolbox pages) for use within specific Zachman Framework cells
  • A diagram interface for the Zachman Framework
  • New diagram types specific to the Zachman Framework
  • A flexible model starter-structure
  • Report generation capabilities for strategic project plans

The MDG Technology For Zachman Framework is integrated with the features of Enterprise Architect.

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