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Enterprise Architect's Auditing facility is a valuable governance tool that records repository changes in an Audit log. This functionality is immensely beneficial for tracking model modifications, identifying the user responsible for a change, and pinpointing when the change occurred. Additionally, the Audit log provides insights into a user's complete list of changes or the alterations made to a specific element. The Audit View serves as a dashboard, showcasing before and after values of item properties and enabling users to navigate from Package level down to diagram objects through elements, features, and connector

Edition Information

  • The Auditing facility is available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions
  • Warning - If your site uses the Professional edition of Enterprise Architect (in which Auditing is not available) as well as the Corporate, Unified and/or Ultimate editions, when Auditing is turned on in a project any users of the Professional edition are locked out of that project; to restore access, turn Auditing off

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