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Move Elements In Diagram Sections

As you build up a diagram, you might find that you have to move all elements within a part of the diagram up, down or to one side. You can do this in a number of ways.

Fine Movement

You can nudge the position of a single element or a selected group of elements in 1 pixel increments. Press Shift and then the arrow key for the direction of movement (Right, Left, Up or Down).

Drag Selected Groups of Elements

If you want to reposition a certain group of elements, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the elements to move (creating an outline around the elements), then click on an element within the outline and drag the group as required.

Move Sections of the Diagram

You might need to create some space in the diagram. Selecting and moving even groups of elements around in a large diagram can be difficult, so it is possible to just move everything beyond a certain point further away from the rest of the diagram, without having to select the elements you are moving. To do this:

  • Select the 'Layout > Helpers > Sweeper' ribbon option, click on the diagram at an appropriate point and drag the cursor to move everything beyond the cursor in the direction of the movement


  • Hold down Alt, click on the diagram at an appropriate point and drag the cursor to move everything beyond the cursor in the direction of the movement

Depending on whether you drag the cursor vertically, horizontally or diagonally, either a horizontal or vertical line or both displays on the diagram just behind the cursor. If you are moving the cursor left, everything to the left of the line moves with the cursor. If you move the cursor up, everything above the line moves upwards. If you move the cursor diagonally, everything within the quadrant formed by the lines moves. For example, if you move the cursor left and down, everything below and left of the cursor is moved.