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Set Up Diagram Page

You can change the size of the diagram area (or scrollable/printable area) using the 'Properties' dialog for the diagram.



Design > Diagram > Manage > Properties > Diagram

Context Menu

Right-click on background of open diagram | Properties > Diagram

Right-click on diagram in Browser window | Properties > Diagram

Set the page size



See also


Select the 'Show Page Border' checkbox.


On the 'Page Setup' panel, click on the Advanced button.

The 'Print Advanced' dialog displays.


Click on the Page Setup button.

The 'Page Setup' dialog displays.

As you adjust the settings on this dialog, the page icon at the top illustrates the effects of your changes.


In the 'Size' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select an appropriate page size.


In the Orientation panel click on the radio button for the orientation of the page to print.


In the Margins panel, type the required left, right, top and bottom page margins for the diagram, in inches.


Click on the OK button on the 'Page Setup' dialog, the 'Print Advanced' dialog, and the 'Properties' dialog for the diagram, in turn.

The area within the page boundary lines on your diagram is expanded or reduced accordingly. When you print or print preview, the output is cropped to these boundary lines and the diagram divided between the necessary number of pages.


  • You can set the default paper size for new diagrams on the 'Diagram' page of the 'Preferences' dialog (select the 'Start > Appearance > Preferences > Preferences > Diagram' ribbon option); once the paper size is set there, all new diagrams have that as the default size
  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Update Diagrams' permission to change diagram page set up

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