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Extended Server Properties

The Extended Server Properties screen displays when you click on the 'Extended Properties' button on the Main screen. It helps you to configure the global options applied to the Pro Cloud Server. Each of these options can also be set in the configuration file; however, the service does not require a restart if the options are changed using this screen.




Audit Time Period

Read-only value showing the number of seconds between audit reports.

Default Max Simultaneous Queries

Default Value:  10

Provides a default value for the setting of 'Max Simultaneous Queries' when defining new database managers.

For more detail see 'Max Simultaneous Queries' on the Configure Database Manager Help topic.

OSLC Session Time Out

To use an OSLC session each client must first log into a repository, however due to the stateless nature of HTTP/HTTPS requests the server does not always know when the client has completed their session and as such needs to enforce a timeout period due to inactivity.  This option controls that inactivity timeout period.  The timeout is important in situations where a PCS "Token" license is used. In this case, a token is considered 'consumed' as soon as the client sends the login request and it is released when the client logs out, however if the client fails to log out the token will stay consumed until the inactivity period is reached.

Default Value: 30

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the maximum time period, in minutes, after which an inactive OSLC user is logged out of the model.

Logged-in Users

Use this option to open the "Logged-in OSLC Users" dialog and view the users who are currently logged into models using OSLC.

Note :

  • Users logged into non-security enabled models will be represented as {User-<COUNT>} - for example : {User-1}

Logging File Count

Default Value: 3

Read-only value showing the number of log files that should be retained. All logging is written to files named 'SSProCloudServerLog-X.log' where X represents the file number.

File 'SparxCloudServicesLog-1.log' is always the current file. When the maximum file size is reached, all existing files are renamed by incrementing the file number and a new 'SSProCloudServerLog-1.log' file is created.

Logging File Size

Default Value: 1048576

Read-only value showing the maximum file size (measured in bytes) of each log file. When the file reaches this maximum, a new file is created.

Log Level

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the level of information to be written to the log file. The valid options are:

  • OFF - No logging is performed
  • FATAL - Only fatal errors are logged
  • WARNING - Warnings are logged
  • INFO - Information messages that provide general advice on what actions are occurring
  • SYSTEM - More detailed messages
  • DEBUG - (new in PCS v4.1) Normally only used to help debug potential issues
  • TRACE - (new in PCS v4.1) The most detailed level of logging

Log Levels are cumulative; for example, the INFO level includes all messages of type FATAL, WARNING and INFO.

Logging Directory

Read-only value showing the physical directory into which the log files are saved.

Floating License Store

Displays the path of the floating license store file. By default this is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service\sskeys.dat.

Floating License Group Config

Displays the path of the floating license group configuration file. By default this is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service\ssflsgroups.config.

Temp Directory

Read-only value showing the physical path of the temp directory; by default this is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service\Temp.

Set New Password

Select this checkbox to set or change the administrator password for the currently connected Pro Cloud Server.  If a password is set then all users attempting to access the Pro Cloud Server Configuration Client will be required to provide the specified password.

Admin Allow List

Added in Pro Cloud Server v4.1.

Default Value: and ::1

The Admin Allow List can be used to restrict access to the Pro Cloud Server configuration:

  • When using the Configuration Client (Windows Application), users will only be able to connect if their IP address is in the Allow list.
  • When using WebConfig, the IP of the web server (hosting WebConfig) will need to be included in the Allow list, which unfortunately means there is no way to restrict individual users, as all users request will arrive at the PCS with the IP of the web server.

Whether the IP address is represented as IPv4 or IPv6 depends on a number of factors (like the connection method, the type of client application, the client's operating system etc) however Sparx Systems would recommend that for each authorized user both their IPv4 and IPv6 numbers should be defined in the allow list.

Use the Add, Edit and Delete buttons to maintain the client IP numbers.


  • An empty Allow List will allow all clients without any restrictions.
  • If WebConfig is hosted on the same machine as the Pro Cloud Server you will typically need to add or ::1 to the admin allow list.

Private App

Added in Pro Cloud Server v5.0.

Default Value:  unchecked

When this value is checked the Pro Cloud Server does not include its Application Name, Version or Author on the HTML page returned to clients when its URL is opened.  ie in a browser open:    http://localhost/:1804


This button displays the relevant page in the online User Guide for the current screen.

Export Config

Use this option to export the Pro Cloud Server settings to a '.pcscfg' file. This includes the Server Settings, Model Connections, Port and Integration settings. This is particularly useful when moving the Pro Cloud Server Installation to a different server, or setting up multiple servers with similar configurations.

An exported '.pcscfg' file can be imported via the 'Import Config' option described below.

Import Config

Warning: Using this function clears and overrides the existing Pro Cloud Server configuration. This includes all Server Settings, Model Connections, Port and Integration settings. Typically this option should only be used on a new Pro Cloud Server installation.

Use this option to import Pro Cloud Server settings from a '.pcscfg' file. This is particularly useful when moving the Pro Cloud Server from one server to another, or when setting up a new Pro Cloud Server with a similar configuration to the exported one.

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