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Integration Plug-ins
The Integration Plug-in components represent a set of Plug-ins (or extensions) for the Pro Cloud Server that enable data from external providers to be displayed within Enterprise Architect. These components are also known as the Server Based Plug-in Interface (SBPI).
The Integration Plug-in components of the Pro Cloud Server run as a series of executables (.exe files) that do not have a graphical user interface (GUI) themselves; however, the topics of this section describe the configuration editor screen(s) that are included in the Pro Cloud Server's Configuration Client that can be used to configure the Integration Plug-ins.
The main screen of the Configuration Client (installed as part of the Pro Cloud Server) includes an 'Integration' tab that is divided into two main sections. The top half defines the details of the Integration Server (or SBPI Server) with the lower half displaying the details of the various 'Data Providers'; each of these sections is described in greater detail in this topic.
Note 1: The Integration feature is only available in licensed editions of the Pro Cloud Server: Team, Enterprise or Token.
Note 2: If you are using the Token edition of the Pro Cloud Server, before configuring Integrations ensure you have enabled the required Integration Provider/s via the Token Allocation options; see the Manage Allocations Help topic.
Note 3: If you are using the Enterprise Architect Trial edition, the Integration Plug-ins are read-only and will not update any stored data
Note 4: Any changes to the Integration Server or Plug-ins (made either through the Configuration Client or manually) will require a restart of the Pro Cloud Server
Alternatively, the Integration Server and Plug-ins can be configured via the WebConfig interface. See the WebConfig - Integration Plug-ins Help topic for details.
Detailed Walkthroughs are also available for Walkthrough: Jira Integration and Walkthrough: Polarion Integration integration specifically.
Integration Server

All requests for external data from Enterprise Architect are sent to the Integration Server (via the Pro Cloud Server), which decides which Data Provider (or SBPI Plug-in) will action the request.
To make the Integration Server configuration as easy as possible for the majority of users, version 4.1 of the Pro Cloud Server has introduced a simplified set of options; however, if the default configuration does not suit your environment, select the 'Use Legacy Settings' option to show all the available options.

Note: The Integration Server settings are only mandatory when the 'Enable Integrations' flag is checked. The combination of Protocol, Name and Port must match the machine hosting the Integration Server (in this case the Pro Cloud Server) in order for Enterprise Architect clients to be able to communicate with it.
Item |
Description |
See also |
Enable Integrations |
Default value: Unchecked This checkbox enables (or disables) Integrations for the current Pro Cloud Server installation. When this value is selected it implies that the other fields ('Protocol', 'Name', 'Port' and 'Path') are now mandatory and the Integration Server definition can not be saved without a value in each field. |
Load Defaults |
This button loads the default values for the Integration Server settings into any empty field. Note: If a field already has a value, then the Load Defaults button will not change or update this existing value |
Use Legacy Settings |
Default value: Unchecked This checkbox determines if the simplified or complex set of options should be shown. The name refers to the fact that the earlier versions of the Pro Cloud Server required users to fill in the complex set of options. In later versions of the Pro Cloud Server the set of options needed was greatly reduced by making some assumptions that will be true for the majority of environments. When this value is selected it implies that the other fields (SBPI Server URL: 'Protocol', 'Name/IP' and 'Port') are now mandatory and the Integration Server definition can not be saved without a value in each field. |
Port |
Default value: 8080 This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is not selected. It defines the Port that the Integration Server is listening to for requests from the Pro Cloud Server. Ensure that there is no other application or service already using the chosen Port. |
SBPI Server URL: Protocol |
Default value: HTTP This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This field defines the SBPI Server's Protocol, combined with the 'SBPI Server Name/IP' and 'SBPI Server Port'; these settings form the Integration Server's URL that the Pro Cloud Server will send SBPI related requests to. Note: The complete URL ({protocol}://{server-name}:{port} must be resolvable by the Pro Cloud Server machine. |
SBPI Server URL: Name/IP |
Default value: localhost This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This field defines the SBPI Server's machine name or IP, combined with the 'SBPI Server Protocol' and 'SBPI Server Port' these settings form the Integration Server's URL that the Pro Cloud Server will send SBPI related requests to. Note: The complete URL ({protocol}://{server-name}:{port} needs to be resolvable by the Pro Cloud Server machine. |
SBPI Server URL: Port |
Default value: 8080 This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This field defines the SBPI Server's Port, combined with the 'SBPI Server Protocol' and 'SBPI Server Port'; these settings form the Integration Server's URL that the Pro Cloud Server will send SBPI related requests to. Note: The complete URL ({protocol}://{server-name}:{port} needs to be resolvable by the Pro Cloud Server machine. |
Ignore SSL Errors |
Default value: unchecked This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This value defines if SSL related errors that occur while communicating with the Integration Server component should be ignored. The most common SSL errors are related to self-signed certificates; by default a client does not treat self-signed certificates as being secure, therefore in order to connect to servers that use self-signed certificates this option should be checked. |
Attempt Auto Discovery |
Default value: checked This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This option defines if the Pro Cloud Server should automatically attempt to determine the Enterprise Architect client's network address and supply that to the Integration Server. This option was introduced in Pro Cloud Server 4.1.40; earlier versions were not capable of discovering the client's network address. When 'Attempt Auto Discovery' is checked, the setting is the 'Fallback URL', which will be used only if the Auto Discovery fails. When 'Attempt Auto Discovery' is unchecked, the setting is the 'Absolute URL' which will be used in all cases. |
Absolute URL: Protocol |
Default value: HTTP This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This field defines the Protocol that when used in combination with the Absolute Server Name and Port form the resolvable URL that Enterprise Architect clients can communicate to the Integration server. Note: The complete URL {protocol}://{server-name}:{port} needs to be resolvable by Enterprise Architect client machines. In some environments server URLs are redirected to completely different locations, therefore to handle this situation the absolute URL is returned to Enterprise Architect clients so that they can communicate to the Integration Server. |
Absolute URL: Name/IP |
Default value: {empty} This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This field defines the Server name/IP that when used in combination with the Absolute Protocol and Port form the resolvable URL that Enterprise Architect clients can communicate to the SBPI server. Note: The complete URL {protocol}://{server-name}:{port} needs to be resolvable by Enterprise Architect client machines. In some environments server URLs are redirected to completely different locations, therefore to handle this situation the absolute URL is returned to Enterprise Architect clients so that they can communicate to the SBPI Server |
Absolute URL: Port |
Default value: 8080 This option is only shown when the 'Use Legacy Settings' option is checked. This field defines the Port that when used in combination with the Absolute Protocol and Server Name form the resolvable URL that Enterprise Architect clients can communicate to the SBPI server. Note: The complete URL {protocol}://{server-name}:{port} needs to be resolvable by Enterprise Architect client machines. In some environments server URLs are redirected to completely different locations, therefore to handle this situation the absolute URL is returned to Enterprise Architect clients so that they can communicate to the SBPI Server |
Save |
This button saves any pending changes to the Integration Server settings; it is only enabled when there are unsaved changes. |
Data Providers
A single Pro Cloud Server can support any number of external Data Providers, and in turn each of the external Data Providers can be available to as many models as are supported by the installation's license. Note that only Pro-enabled repositories (or database managers) can access external data providers. A Pro-enabled database manager is one that has the 'Enable Pro Features (OSLC, WebEA and Integration)' option checked.
Option |
Description |
See also |
Defined Providers |
This controls lists a summary of all defined external Data Providers. Double-clicking an existing item will display the Edit Data Provider screen. |
Add... |
This button displays the Add Data Provider screen to allow the entry of a new external Data Provider. |
Add/Edit Data Provider |
Edit... |
This button displays the Edit Data Provider screen to allow the modification an existing external Data Provider definition. Note: This button is only enabled when there is a Data Provider selected. |
Remove |
This button permanently deletes the selected Data Provider and all of its Bindings. Note: This button is only enabled when there is a Data Provider selected. |
<'plug-in name'> is bound to: |
This control displays a check list of all Database Managers that are Pro-enabled (that is, the 'Enable Pro Features (OSLC, WebEA and Integration)' option is selected). A selected Database Manager allocates the current Data Provider to the given repository. |
Check All |
This button is a quick and easy way to allocate all defined Pro-enabled Database Managers to the currently selected Data Provider. |
Uncheck All |
This button is a quick and easy way to de-allocate all defined Pro-enabled Database Managers from the currently selected Data Provider. |