The BPSim capability offers modelers and business strategist to assign operational information to a model and assess the quality of the solution based on information received back from the Simulation engine.
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect models are based on the UML 2.5 standard, with extensions for requirements modeling, testing, project management, mind mapping, and much more.
Please Note:
The BPSim Execution Engine is now included with the Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect
Installing the Sparx Systems MDG BPSim Execution Engine and registering the licence for it are pre-requisites for accessing and using the built-in BPSim configuration facilities.
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The MDG Integration for Microsoft Office is designed to integrate with different products within the Microsoft Office suite. It allows you to upgrade your documents and spreadsheets into Enterprise Architect, providing a rich modeling experience utilizing UML 2.5, SysML and BPMN among many other technologies.
The Integration allows you to utilize your model directly within a PowerPoint presentation and ensure that your presentation is always up-to-date with the latest changes in your model.
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Sparx Systems brings the power of Enterprise Architect and UML 2.5 to Visual Studio.
The Integration allows developers to navigate the UML model directly within Visual Studio, perform MDA transformations to fast-track development, generate high quality rich text and web based reports.
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The MDG Integration for Eclipse seamlessly integrates Enterprise Architect and UML 2.5 into the Eclipse environment, providing users with the ability to navigate and refine the development model.
The Integration allows Eclipse users to use the built-in model discussion forum for easy communication and assist with collaboration.
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Sparx Systems' new MDG Technology underpins the organizational viewpoints and structures of the Zachman Framework with great depth, breadth and modeling integrity.
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect models are based on the UML 2.5 standard, with extensions for requirements modeling, testing, project management, mind mapping, and much more.
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Sparx Systems equips Enterprise Architect users with a model-based framework for implementing architectures using the TOGAF-9.1 Architecture Development Method.
Tightly integrated with Enterprise Architect, MDG Technology for TOGAF extends UML 2.5 to support The Open Group's approach to information systems architecture.
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MDG Technology for UPDM integrates tightly with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and provides a model-based framework for planning, designing and implementing DoDAF and MODAF architectures.
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The MDG Technology for SysML together with Enterprise Architect gives a powerful, low-cost modeling solution for Systems Engineering.
This integrated modeling environment includes advanced modeling capabilities and the ability to specify system requirements with powerful modeling support.
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MDG Technology for DDS ensures a powerful environment for designing complex data-centric publish-subscribe services for real-time applications.
The team-based modeling environment allows users to automatically generate executable code for OpenSplice and RTI DDS implementations.
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The MDG Link for DOORS provides a lightweight bridge for Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect and IBM Rational DOORS.
DOORS users can now incorporate requirements with the power of UML to fully integrate the software development process.
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The MDG Link for Eclipse provides a soft bridge between Enterprise Architect and Eclipse.
Navigation between Enterprise Architect and Eclipse is enhanced with simple key combinations that take the user directly from an Enterprise Architect model to its corresponding code in Eclipse.
Now included with Enterprise Architect!
As of Version 12, MDG Link for Eclipse is built in.
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The MDG Link for Visual Studio .NET provides a soft bridge between Enterprise Architect and Visual Studio .NET.
Navigation between Enterprise Architect and Visual Studio .NET is enhanced with simple key combinations that take the user directly from an Enterprise Architect model to its corresponding code in Visual Studio .NET.
Now included with Enterprise Architect!
As of Version 12, MDG Link for Visual Studio .NET is built in.
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The MDG Link for Visio allows the user to import diagrams created within Visio into an Enterprise Architect model.
Please Note:
Requires Enterprise Architect 12.1 or later.
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Create model patterns, implement BABOK© Guide v3 frameworks into projects.
Policies, practices and techniques that are familiar to Business Analysts
are are represented as BABOK© Guide v3 model templates.
This MDG Technology provides accurate modeling structure while maintaining
deep connections to BABOK© Guide v3 knowledge and techniques,
resulting in better business outcomes and project success.
MDG Technology for Python adds round- trip code engineering support for the Python language to Enterprise Architect.
Please Note: Enterprise Architect version 6.0 and
later feature built-in Python support. Versions 4.5, 4.51 and 5.0 still require the add-in.
MDG Technology for Symbian C++ provides modeling and round-trip code
engineering support for Symbian C++ language extensions. The technology
includes a UML toolbox for Symbian C++, as well as the necessary code
engineering templates and reverse engineering extensions.
Please Note: Requires Enterprise Architect 7.1.830 or later.
MDG Technology for EJB allows the user to model EJB entities and sessions, complete with UML profiles for modeling, patterns and Code Management.
Please Note: Requires Enterprise Architect 4.1 or later.
The BPMN add-in extends Enterprise Architect's built-in BPMN modeling support to include model validation capabilities and provides documentation of the BPMN to UML profile mapping.
MDG Technology for Testing gives the ability to rapidly model a wide range of testing procedures including component testing, SUT, Test Cases and more.
Please Note: Requires Enterprise Architect 4.1 or later.
The MDG Technology file for CORBA allows the user to generate CORBA IDL stubs from existing Enterprise Architect class diagram elements. The MDG Technology for CORBA adds support for IDL to Enterprise Architect.
Please Note: Requires Enterprise Architect 4.5 or later.