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WebEA Installation and Configuration

The Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server product is installed using a standard Microsoft Windows Installer package that includes a number of optional components. WebEA is one of these components and is installed by default. It is possible to change the install location of WebEA; however, if the defaults are used WebEA will be installed into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\WebEA\  folder (assuming a 64 bit machine is being used).

See the Cloud Server Installation and Cloud Service Configuration Help topics for a full description of how to install and configure the Sparx Systems Cloud Service.

Important: If you are installing the Pro Cloud Server on a machine that already has the Sparx Systems Cloud Services or Sparx Systems WAN Optimizer installed then these should be uninstalled first.

WebEA Server Requirements

In order to run WebEA in your environment you must have:

  • A Web Server (Apache or IIS) capable of hosting PHP v7.0 (or later)
  • A Web Server with these standard PHP extensions installed and enabled: core, curl, date, gettext, hash, json, libxml, mbstring, pcre, session, standard and tokenizer
  • A Web Server with PHP sessions enabled
  • Communication between the web server and the server hosting the Pro Cloud Server
  • A base folder (on the web server) to store the WebEA website pages

Configuration Steps

The installation of the WebEA application should have already been completed by following the steps outlined in the Cloud Server Installation topic, making sure that the WebEA component was installed.

In additional to installing the Pro Cloud server, WebEA also needs a web server to host it. In the simplest configuration the web server would be installed on the same machine as the Pro Cloud Server.

Configuring WebEA applies these steps:



See also


Decide what models are going to be available to WebEA users.

At the same time it is worth considering these points, which will determine the configuration options of each model.

  • Is user security currently configured on the model?
  • Should WebEA users be prompted for their model user and password?
  • Should WebEA users be able to view element discussions?
  • Should WebEA users be able to add element discussions?
  • Should WebEA users be able to join and participate in reviews?
  • Should WebEA users be able to insert new objects, and if so, what types?
  • Should WebEA users be able to add new element features, and if so, what types?
  • Should WebEA users be able to edit element notes?
  • Should WebEA users be able to edit element tests?
  • Should WebEA users be able to edit element resource allocations?
  • What is the default list of watchlist items for the model?


Ensure a database manager is defined for each model decided on in step 1, in the Cloud Service's database manager list. The process to do this is as outlined for the core Sparx Systems Cloud Service, in Add Database Manager.

Add Database Manager


Enter your License key into the SSCloudServices.config file (by default found in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\Service\' folder). To edit this file you will require Administrator privileges.

Tip: Add this line, replacing the zeroes with your license key.



For each of the Cloud Services ports that will be accessed by WebEA models, check that the option 'OSLC_SUPPORT' is set to '1' in the SSCloudServices.config file, and save any changes.

Tip: Add/edit the OSLC_SUPPORT option to enable OSLC on the given port.


Cloud Server Configuration


Ensure that the Windows service 'Sparx Systems Professional Cloud' has been restarted since making changes to the configuration file (in the previous steps), so that new options are loaded.


For each of the models decided on in step 1, select the model on the 'Sparx Systems Cloud Services Configuration Client', click on the Configure button and select the 'Enable Pro Features (OSLC, WebEA and Integration)' checkbox.

Configure Database Manager


Check that you can access the model(s) in Enterprise Architect using the 'Connect to Cloud' option.

After opening each model in Enterprise Architect, enable the 'Data Cache' options and click on the Create button to generate the initial set of viewable diagrams and Linked Documents. See the Model Configuration topic for details.

Connecting Enterprise Architect to a Cloud Service


Download/install and configure your web server for PHP, according to your requirements.

Tip: XAMPP is the most common Apache/PHP web server that includes all the required components; it is available for Windows/Linux and OS X at WebEA has been tested on all of the currently available versions of PHP, but if your environment has no special requirements then Sparx Systems would recommend v7.1.1 for Windows. All further Quick Start points will assume this configuration.

Note: WebEA only requires the minimum XAMPP installation, Apache and PHP; it does not require MySQL, FileZilla Mercury, Tomcat or any of the other optional components, so if you have no need for these components Sparx Systems would recommend to not install them.


Define and configure a website for WebEA in your web server.

As there are many different web servers and configurations, configuring the web site for WebEA, deciding what port the web server will listen to, and making sure the website is secure from external attacks, are all outside the scope of this documentation.

Tip: Using the default XAMPP configuration, the port for the default website is 80 and the base folder is at 'C:\xampp\htdocs'. XAMPP will already have added files to this folder; WebEA does not require these files, so if you have no need for them, move them to a backup location.


Copy the contents of the entire WebEA installation folder ('C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\WebEA\') to the base folder of the website.

Tip: Copy WebEA folder from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\WebEA\' to 'C:\xampp\htdocs'.

Special Note regarding reinstalls: before updating the WebEA files, take a backup of the files you have modified, ie \includes\webea_config.ini  and \includes\webea_strings.ini. 


Due to the sensitive nature of some of the information contained in the WebEA configuration file, we recommend that the '\includes\' folder within the WebEA folder is severely restricted so that only PHP can access the files within. For example, in Apache this is achieved with this entry in the Apache configure file:

     <Directory "{website_path}/includes">

          AllowOverride none

          options none

          Require all denied


Once your web server is configured and the WebEA application files copied into the base folder, restart/start the web server.

Tip:  Using the XAMPP control panel, Stop/Start Apache.


Edit the '\includes\webea_config.ini'  file and define each model decided on in step 1.

See the How to configure WebEA models Help topic for more details on what each option means in WebEA's config file.

Tip:  Edit 'C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\webea_config.ini' file, and update all parameters with the prefix 'SSCS_' to that of a defined repository in your Cloud Service.

Special Note regarding reinstalls: if you a have a previous backup of the \includes\webea_config.ini  file and wish to use the same configuration, you can simply restore the backup file.

How to configure WebEA models


On a remote machine, open an internet browser and enter the URL of http://{yourwebserver}/login.php, where the value '{yourwebserver}' is either the name or IP number of the machine hosting the WebEA website. This should display the WebEA login screen that lists the models which are defined in the webea_config.ini  file.


Other considerations:

  • If you require different lists of models (or different options) for different user bases, then it is possible to define multiple websites, each with their own dedicated port and base folder, using Apache's virtual hosts. This could mean user group A could access its set of models with the URL http://{yourwebserver}:180/ while user group B would use the URL http://{yourwebserver}:200/
  • Firewall rules will have to be adjusted to allow traffic between the [Client] and [Web Server]
  • Firewall rules will have to be adjusted to allow traffic between the [Web Server] and [Pro Cloud Server]


If the models have SSL enabled and are using self-signed certificates, then see Advanced SSL  for advanced configuration of WebEA.

Model Configuration



See also

Configure Enterprise Architect model options

By default, diagrams and Linked Documents are not saved in a format that is viewable by web browsers. In order for users of WebEA to view these components, Enterprise Architect must be configured to generate (and store) viewable versions of them whenever changes are made. The options to generate viewable diagrams and Linked Documents are defined at the model level.

With the model open in Enterprise Architect, select the 'Configure > Model > Options' ribbon option. On the 'Manage Project Options' dialog, refer to the 'Data Cache' options on the 'Cloud' page.

The first option (if enabled), in addition to saving a diagram normally will also generate and save a static image of the diagram.

The second option (if enabled), in addition to saving a Linked Document normally will also generate and save the document in HTML format.

If these options are not enabled, diagrams and Linked Documents will not be viewable from within WebEA.

When initially configuring a model to auto create viewable diagrams and Linked Documents, it is advisable to click on the Create button to generate the initial set of viewable diagrams and Linked Documents. While this is not mandatory, viewable versions of all existing diagrams and Linked Documents will not exist until they are saved.

Note: This approach is relevant when all Enterprise Architect users are using a build later than 1350. If, however, some of your user base is using older versions of Enterprise Architect then updates to diagrams and Linked Documents will not be reflected immediately when saved.

See the How to configure automatic viewable components Help topic for the recommended approach to overcome this situation.

Model-Specific Options How to configure automatic viewable components

Configure model users

It is possible for WebEA users to connect to user security enabled models in one of two ways:

  • Using their model User Login and Password; that is, the same credentials they use when connecting to the model with Enterprise Architect, or
  • If the model has been configured in WebEA to not require login credentials then all users will be logged in under the one user account (using the sscs_model_user and sscs_model_pwd defined in the 'webea_config.ini' file)
Maintain Users

Learn more


WebEA incorporates certain components developed by third parties. Sparx Systems acknowledges the contribution made to the WebEA product by these components.

  • jQuery v1.12.3  - jQuery Foundation
  • NicEdit ©2007-2008, Brian Kirchoff, under license from MIT
  • Date Picker for jQuery v5.1.1, Keith Wood, under license from MIT