The UML category provides the Perspectives for normal UML modeling, including:
- All UML Modeling - all modeling tools and objects provided by the other Perspectives in this group
- Structural - the modeling tools and objects for structural UML models, such as:
- Package diagrams
- Class diagrams
- Object diagrams
- Composite Structure diagrams
- Component diagrams
- Deployment diagrams
- Behavioral - the modeling tools and objects for behavioral UML models, such as:
- Use Case diagrams
- Sequence diagrams
- Timing diagrams
- Interaction Overview diagrams
- StateMachine diagrams
- Communication diagrams
- Activity diagrams
UML Behavioral Models
UML Structural Models
The Strategy category provides Perspectives for:
- Mind Maps - the basic Mind Map diagram
- Strategy modeling, such as:
- Organizational Charts
- Value Chains
- Strategy Maps
- Balanced Scorecards
- One-level and Two-level Flowcharts
- Decision Analyses with Trees and with Decision Tables
- SWOT Analyses
- Risk Analysis - the Risk Taxonomy Threat Community diagram
Value Chain
Strategy Map
Balanced Scorecard
Flow Chart
Decision Models
Decision Tree
Risk Taxonomy
SWOT Analysis
Mind Mapping
The Analysis category provides Perspectives for:
- White Boarding - diagram structures in Whiteboard and/or Hand-drawn mode
- Simple Analysis, based on a Two Activity Process
- Case Management Model & Notation (CMMN) analysis, with a:
- Claims Management example
- Basic 5-Task Plan
- Three Choice Tasks Pattern
- Two Phase Case Plan
- Erikson Penker modeling, the basic business process
- Web Modeling, based on a simple Java Server Page (JSP) model
Eriksson-Penker Extensions
Web Stereotypes
Hand Drawn and Whiteboard Mode
The Requirements category provides Perspectives for:
- Creating a range of Requirement Hierarchy diagrams, and a Requirement Specification View
- Working with Decision Modeling Notation (DMN) to:
- Create a simple Decision diagram with a Decision Table
- Set up a DMN Business Knowledge Model
- Model a DMN Decision
- Setting up a Business Rule model
- Setting up one-level and two-level Data Flow models
The UX Design category provides a number of Perspectives for modeling user interfaces on various devices, including:
- Wireframing for various phone and tablet devices
- IFML Interaction flows on desktop applications, information entry, interaction on wireframe devices, and information searches
- A basic Enterprise Architect user interface model for a window with lists and combo boxes
- An alternative simple user interface
- Win 32 User Interface modeling
The Business Modeling category provides these Perspectives:
- BPMN - Patterns for:
- BPMN 2.0 modeling
- BPEL 2.0 Starter model
- BPSim - Patterns for BPMN 2.0 and BPEL 2.0 modeling, plus:
- Patterns for Business Process Simulation (BPSim) constructs and
- Patterns for a number of BPSim Case Studies
- Business Model Patterns for Business Use Case models and Use Case Realization
- Business Interaction model Patterns
- BABOK - a wide range of Patterns supporting models for:
- Strategies
- Collaboration activities
- Analyses
- Business Processes
- Project Management activities
- Standard business documents
- BIZBOK - Patterns for modeling BIZBOK activities
Package Browser
The Gantt View
Specification Manager
The Software Engineering category provides Perspectives for software development, including:
- Code Engineering, modeling programs in a number of programming languages
- Service Oriented SOMF 2.1, for several Conceptual Association types
- SoaML, for modeling aspects of basic service provision
- XSLT Feature demonstrations, such as XSLT transforms and debugging
- ICONIX modeling
- GOF Patterns for Creational, Structural and Behavioral models
The Systems Engineering category provides Perspectives to support systems Engineering projects under:
- SysML1.5, with a wide range of Patterns for generating:
- Project structures
- Requirements diagrams
- Use Case diagrams
- Activity diagrams
- Block Definition diagrams
- Internal Block diagrams
- Parametric diagrams
- State Machine diagrams
- Libraries
- Model elements
- Modelica Case Studies
- UAF, with Patterns for:
- Strategic Views (St-xx)
- Operational Views (Op-xx)
- Services View (Sv-xx)
- Personnel Views (Pr-xx)
- Resources Views (Rs-xx)
- Security Views (Sc-xx)
- Projects Views (Pj-xx)
- Standards Views (Sd-xx)
- Actual Resources Views (Ar-xx)
- Dictionary View (Dc)
- Requirements View (Rq)
- Summary and Overview (SmOv)
- Information View (If)
- Parameters Views (Pm-xx)
- The SysML 1.5 sets (as listed, except for Modelica Case Studies)
- UPDM with Patterns for:
- UPDM Frameworks (DoDAF and MODAF)
- DoDAF All Viewpoints (AV-n)
- DoDAF Capability Viewpoints (CV-n)
- DoDAF Data and Information Viewpoints (DIV-n)
- DoDAF Operational Viewpoints (OV-n)
- DoDAF Project Viewpoints (PV-n)
- DoDAF Services Viewpoints (SvcV-n)
- DoDAF Standard Viewpoints (StdV-n)
- DoDAF Systems Viewpoints (SV-n)
- MODAF All Views (AV-n) Viewpoints
- MODAF Acquisition (AcV-n) Viewpoints
- MODAF Operational (OV-n) Viewpoints
- MODAF Service Oriented Views (SOV-n) Viewpoints
- MODAF Strategic Views (StV-n) Viewpoints
- MODAF System Viewpoints (SV-n)
- MODAF Technical Standards Views (TV-n) Viewpoints
- Executable State Machines, with various Patterns including a set to demonstrate case studies
Visual Styles
Manage Workspace Layout
Working Sets
The 'Database Engineering' category provides sets of Perspectives for modeling a range of DBMS repositories, including:
- Starter Model and Model Structure Patterns for each of the main DBMSs supported by Enterprise Architect
- Patterns for simple Entity Relationship models
- Patterns for simple ArcGIS projects and workspaces
- A simple Enterprise Architect Data Modeling diagram Pattern
The Enterprise Architecture category provides a number of Perspectives for Enterprise Architecture frameworks, including:
- ArchiMate, supplying Patterns for:
- Basic viewpoints such as Organization, Application Usage and Service Realization
- Motivation Viewpoints such as for Stakeholders, Principles and Requirements Realization
- Strategy Viewpoints
- Implementation and Migration Viewpoints
- TOGAF, with Patterns for:
- A Starter Model
- The Architecture Development Method
- The Enterprise Continuum
- The Technical Reference Model
- Catalogs
- Zachmann Framework
- GRA-UML annotations library and starter model
The Information Exchange category supports a number of built-in technologies, providing Perspectives and basic model Patterns for:
- Ontology Definition (ODM)
- Geographic GML
- Archetype Modeling Language
- NIEM 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 4.0 Reference Models and NIEM 3 and 4 starter models
- Universal Business Language
- UPCC 3.0
- UMM 2.0 Profile
Working Sets
The Construction category provides these Perspectives:
- Project Roadmaps, for a range of management work areas
- Kanban workflows
- Document Publishing for types of Project document
- Dashboards and Charts for various scenarios
- Reviews and Discussions to define the structure and function of these team collaboration activities
- Test Management to define how tests are planned and managed
- Change Management to define a model for managing issues and changes
- Resource Management to define how resources are identified and managed
- Legends to define how diagram legends are set up and used
Diagram List
The Gantt View
Element View
The Management category provides Perspectives to support:
- Process Guidance - working up process templates
- The Enterprise Architect Script Library
- The MDG Technology Builder
Manage Workspace Layout
The 'My Perspectives' category holds the Perspectives that you have created for yourself, using the 'Start > View > Perspective > Customize List of Available Perspectives' option. For further details, see the Customizing Perspectives Help topic.
Customizing Perspectives