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Customizing Perspectives

Whilst Enterprise Architect provides a huge range of Perspectives to select from, you might need to create others more specifically tailored to your area of work, or to expose Technologies that you have recently imported.

The methods for tailoring Perspectives to match your work environment are described here.

Before starting, review the Technologies available to you in Enterprise Architect and identify and enable those you want to apply in a Perspective, either individually or in combination. This is particularly important for any custom Technologies you have, as selecting a Perspective makes available only those Technologies it specifically contains and hides all others - including your custom Technologies.


These access options display the 'Perspective Sets' dialog, through which you can create customized Perspectives.

Showing the table in which personal custom perspectives are created in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


Start > View > Perspective > Customize List of Available Perspectives > My Perspectives

Design > Diagram > Insert > 'Hamburger' icon > Manage > Customize > My Perspectives


(Top right corner of screen) > Choose perspective button. > Manage > Customize > My Perspectives

Create Custom Perspective



See also


Click on the New button. The 'Select MDG Technologies' dialog displays.

Selecting MDG Technologies while creating custom perspectives in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


In the 'Set Name' field, type a name for the custom Perspective. Then select the 'Add' checkbox against each MDG Technology to make visible.

You can click on the All button and then deselect the checkbox against each Technology to hide, or click on the None button to clear all selected checkboxes and then re-select those against Technologies you want to keep visible.

If you want to group your selections by Technology, click on the 'Group Categories by Technology' checkbox.


When you have added the necessary Technologies to the Perspective, click on the OK button. The Perspective name displays in the 'Create Perspective' panel, and the Technologies in the Perspective are listed in the 'MDG Technologies' panel in alphabetical order.

Notice that all buttons at the bottom of the window are now enabled.

Showing a newly created custom perspective in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


If you prefer to:

  • List the Technologies in the Perspective in a different sequence, click on each Technology name in turn and use the Up Hand button or Down Hand button to move the Technology name to the correct position in the sequence
  • Remove a Technology from the Perspective, click on the Technology name and click on the X button to redisplay the 'Select MDG Technologies' dialog, listing just the Technologies that are in the Perspective; clear the 'Add' checkbox against the Technology to be removed, and click on the OK button
  • Add another Technology to the Perspective, click on the + button to redisplay the 'Select MDG Technologies' dialog, listing the Technologies that are not already in the set; select the 'Add' checkbox against the required Technology, and click on the OK button


Click on the Save button and, if you have finished setting up or changing a Perspective, click on the Close button.

Delete a Custom Perspective

If you no longer want to use a custom Perspective, you can delete it from the list of those available.

On the 'My Perspectives' tab of the 'Perspective Sets' dialog, click on the custom Perspective name and then on the Delete button.

In response to the confirmation prompt, click on the Yes button.

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