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Accessing the Repository using Model Views
Model Views provide alternative views of the elements in the Repository. Whereas the Browser window is designed to organize the Packages and elements structurally, the Model Views facility allows the modeler to create a number of views that can group elements and diagrams differently. This is a powerful facility that can be used by individuals and engineering teams to see the repository contents in any number of proprietary views designed to present only the information that is important or relevant. It effectively allows you to create windows through which to view the repository in unique and compelling ways that will provide insight and clarity, allowing the modeler to see things that might not have been possible using the Browser window.

The views can be based on a wide range of criteria, including Favorites folders containing hand picked items of interest, and folders based on a search such as 'all elements created last week that have a status of Proposed' or 'all Components provided by a particular engineering supplier'. For more information see the Model Views Help topic.