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The Browser Window

The Browser window is the primary tool for structuring and navigating the repository, using expanding and collapsing tree nodes. The key structural element is the Package, which is a folder-like element that can contain other elements and diagrams, including other Packages. The elements in turn can contain other elements, features and diagrams, but not Packages.

Root nodes are the highest nodes in the tree; these root Packages can contain Views that in turn can contain any level of Packages and elements. Tree nodes including Packages, elements, Features and diagrams can be copied and pasted between locations, or dragged and dropped to new locations. Many important tools, functions and windows are applied at the level of the Package, such as import or export of model content, documentation and Package Control, including Baselines. For more information see the Browser Window topic.

Context Diagram and Element Browsers

Enterprise Architect provides a number of additional browsers that help an engineer or modeler to focus on a subset of the repository content. These browsers can be selected as tabs from the main Browser window.

The Context Browser provides a filtered view just of a particular branch of the model, to work on just the section of the repository that is relevant at a particular time. This spotlight view takes away the noise and complexity of the Project view and shows just the part of the model of interest, allowing the engineer to view it in isolation.

In our example, the modeler wants to focus his attention on the Use Case Package. Using the Browse. button you can move back up the tree, or by clicking on a Package or element that contains other elements these can be displayed, but the view always remains at a single level of hierarchy.

The Diagram Browser lists the objects present on the active diagram. Each object's connectors can also be displayed, making this a powerful view of the diagram.

The Element Browser displays information about the currently selected element. This provides a way of visualizing all of the elements relationships, scenarios, requirement, features and much more.