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Browser - Diagram

The 'Diagram' tab of the Browser window is a simple list of all elements used in the currently-open and in-focus diagram, including elements that are hidden or in Packages other than the diagram's parent. It also shows the relationships issuing from or terminating at each element.

The 'Diagram' tab is a useful tool for establishing the content of a diagram, especially a large diagram, and selecting an object in the 'Diagram' tab brings that object into focus in other windows and views, including in the diagram itself and in the other tabs of the Browser window. You can therefore instantly expose many details of the object's properties and location.

In many cases, the 'Diagram' tab shows a flat list of elements, but when elements (other than Packages) in the diagram contain other elements the 'Diagram' tab illustrates that hierarchy as shown here.

The 'Diagram' tab has context menu options to display, where appropriate for the selected element or connector:

  • The 'Properties' dialog
  • The docked Properties window
  • The Special Action dialog for the element (or, if one is not appropriate, the 'Properties' dialog)
  • The 'Element Usage' dialog to show in which other diagrams the element  is used
  • The Notes window
  • The Quick Notes panel
  • The Linked Document editor

The 'Diagram' tab also has a Filter Bar that you can use to refine the display to list specific elements. To switch between exposing the Filter Bar and hiding it, right-click on the 'Diagram Items' heading and select the 'Toggle Filter Bar' option.


With an open diagram in view:


Start > Application > Design > Browser > Diagram

Explore > Portals > Windows > Project Browser > Diagram

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+1 > Diagram

Alt+1 | Browser > Diagram

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