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The Publish Window Selector

The Publish Window Selector provides access to commands that facilitate publishing and exchanging model data. 

The Publish commands are organized into four sets, as described in the tables of this topic.

Report Generator

The 'Report Generator' commands focus on the specification and generation of reports of model data, including the printing or saving of model diagrams as images.



See also

Generate Package Report

Use this command to generate a report on the currently selected Package. 

The 'Generate Documentation' window will be displayed, using the current Package name as the default output filename. This window is used to select the report template, style-sheet and cover page. It also allows you to specify a range of filters and other options that will affect the generated report.

Basic Document Generation

Generate Element Report

Use this command to generate a report on the currently selected element or elements. 

The 'Generate Documentation' window will be displayed. This window is used to select the report template, style-sheet and cover page.  It also allows you to specify a range of filters and other options that will affect the generated report.

How To Generate Documents

Generate Diagram Report

Use this command to generate a report of the diagrams within the currently selected Package hierarchy.

The 'Generate Documentation' window will be displayed, with the system template 'Diagram Report' selected as the default. The 'Diagram Report' template generates only images of the model diagrams. 

You can use the 'Generate Documentation' window to select a different report template, style-sheet or cover page.  It also allows you to specify a range of filters and other options that will affect the generated report. The current Package name is used as the default output filename.

Basic Document Generation

Edit Report Templates

This command opens the Document Template Design window.

The Document Template Designer is used to create and edit report templates that define:

  • The model components to report on
  • The information to extract on each component and
  • The styles and layout of the report

It can also be used to design Stylesheets, Cover Pages and Tables of Contents.

Design Custom Document Templates

Print Diagram

Displays the 'Print' window, for the currently open diagram.

Use the window to select the printer device, set printer properties and specify the number of copies to print.

Click on 'OK' to print the diagram.

Print Diagram

Save Diagram as Image

Creates an image of the currently open diagram and saves that image to a file of your choosing.

Save Diagram Image to File

Custom and Dynamic Reports

The 'Custom and Dynamic Reports' group of commands allows you to create and view documents in Enterprise Architect's Document Editor window.



See also

Create a Custom Document

Displays the 'Create Custom Document' window, to create a 'Custom Document' artifact in the currently selected Package.

Custom Documents provide a way to include dynamic content that is dragged into the document from the Browser window, including Packages, diagrams, elements and features.  Every time you open the document the content is dynamically refreshed from the model objects you have included and from the template instructions.

Create a Custom Document Custom Documents

Show Dynamic Preview

Opens the 'Dynamic Document View' window.

The 'Dynamic Document' view in the main work area helps you to instantly generate a document on a selected element, using one of a range of templates to immediately display the information you require in the most appropriate structure and format. The document can be printed, but is not stored electronically - it is dynamically generated for the current element whenever you select the view and when you change the template. You cannot edit the document contents in the view.

Dynamic Document View

Open a Document File

Opens a document, selected from the file system, in Enterprise Architect's code or document editor window.

The Code Editors

New Document File

Opens a new, empty document that can be saved to your file system. (This document is not saved within your Enterprise Architect model.)

The Document Editor window and 'Document Edit' ribbon are displayed, and the new document in opened for editing in the editor window.

When saving the document, a 'File Chooser' dialog is displayed, allowing you to specify a filename and folder for creating the new file on your file system.

Model Interchange

The 'Model Interchange' list of commands provides facilities for exporting and importing model data to and from XML files, to support sharing models with other Enterprise Architect projects and with other modeling tools.



See also

RAS (Reusable Asset Service)

The Reusable Asset Service (RAS) provides a  convenient mechanism for modelers to distribute or download reusable model structures, as well as project baselines. The shared repository is accessible via a Pro Cloud Server connection, making it accessible by distributed teams.

Reuseable Asset Service (RAS)

Project Transfer

The Project Data Transfer feature supports transferring the full set of data from one repository into another repository, as an overwrite process. It supports these types of transfer:

  • A file repository to a DBMS repository
  • A DBMS repository to an existing project file
  • A DBMS  repository to another DBMS repository
  • A file repository to a file repository
Transfer a Complete Repository

Full Model Export (native)

The Full Model Export (native) option provides a Project Transfer by exporting the current project to Native XML. The export process will generate multiple Native XML files, representing the data of the project. This can then be imported to another repository using the Full Model Import (Native) option.

Transfer a Repository in Native Format

Full Model Import (native)

The Full Model Import (native) option imports a set of Native XML files generated by the Full Model Export (native) option.

Transfer a Repository in Native Format

Export Package to XMI

This option is used to export a Package-tree from your model to a file in one of several XMI (XML-based) or Native formats. The exported file contains all the information required for performing Enterprise Architect-to-Enterprise Architect transfers, as well for options for exporting to other modeling tools.

Export to XMI

Import Package from XMI

This command is for importing a Package, or Package hierarchy, from an XML file containing model information in XMI format. The file will have been created by export from Enterprise Architect or from some other compatible modeling tool.

The new Package will be imported as a child of the currently selected Package.

Import from XMI

Publish as Other Format

Displays the Publish Model Package window, which allows you to export the selected Package to a file in one of several XML formats. The available formats allow users to import the file into other modeling tools.

Model Publishing to Various Formats

CSV Import/Export

This command displays the CSV Import/Export window.

Within Enterprise Architect, you can import and export information on elements to and from comma-separated value (CSV) text files.  The CSV Import/Export window is used to select the CSV specification that defines what will be exported (which element properties) and the file that it will be exported to, or imported from.

CSV Import and Export

CSV Specification

This command displays the CSV Import/Export Specification window, with which you can define a CSV import/export specification.

The specification defines the:

  • Fields from the spreadsheet in the order they are imported or exported
  • Source or target filename (optional) and
  • Delimiter between columns
CSV Specifications


Opens the Project Glossary View.

The Model, or Project, Glossary consists of a list of defined terms for your project. The Project Glossary View provides options to review the terms of different types already defined for a model.

Project Glossary View

Model Control

The 'Model Control' commands are related to the change management of your model data and include Version Control configuration as well as Auditing.



See also

Simple Package Control

Displays the 'Package Control Options' dialog.

In order to configure a Package to save and load in Native/XMI format to a named file, you use the 'Package Control Options' dialog to flag the Package as being controlled and to set a number of options. These options include setting the filename to save to/load from, the type of Native/XMI to import and export, and whether to export and/or import the Native/XMI in a batch process.

Using Controlled Packages

Model Version Control

Displays the 'Version Control Settings' dialog.

To set up a Version Control configuration on your model, you define a number of settings that control how the status of your model is communicated to your Version Control system. You define these settings using the 'Version Control Settings' dialog.

Version Control Configuration

Package Version Control

Displays the 'Package Control Options' dialog.

Once your Version Control application is set up and you have Version Control configurations in place, you can use the 'Package Control Options' dialog to place the individual Packages in your model under Version Control. To put a Package under Version Control, you:

  • Flag the Package as a controlled Package
  • Specify the Version Control configuration to control it and
  • Associate an XMI file with the Package
Configure Controlled Package

Model Options/Preferences

Opens the 'Manage Model Options' dialog for configuring a number of model or project based options covering Enterprise Architect features. These include:

  • General options
  • Baseline configuration for RAS storage
  • Cloud administration
  • Translation configuration
  • Collaboration across projects
  • Review of Status locks
  • Source Code Engineering settings
Model Options


Opens the Auditing view, which covers the audit configuration and view of the audit history. Auditing records model changes, including when the change occurred and who made it. It records changes to Packages, elements, features, connectors and diagrams, detailing the creation, modification and deletion of these items.


Export Reference Data

Opens the 'Export Reference Data' dialog. Reference data includes meta-information for properties and base values, as well as option configurations, document templates, tool features and more. You can conveniently export all or specific parts of your model reference data to an .XML file for exchanging with other repositories.

Export Reference Data

Import Reference Data

Opens the 'Import Reference Data' dialog for importing meta-information into your model from an .XML file that was exported out of another model or from an iteration of the current model.

Import Reference Data