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Baseline Dependencies

When you select a Baseline on the 'Baseline Browser' tab, the three tabs in the lower half of the 'Reusable Asset Service - Baseline' view are updated with information from the Baseline. A Package might contain elements and diagrams that have relationships with objects in other Packages. When you generate a Baseline for that Package,  the name and Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of each Package containing these 'external' objects will be stored along with the Baseline and displayed in the 'Dependency' tab.

Note that Package A depends on Package B if any of these constructs (or their Tagged Values) in Package A reference elements in Package B:

  • Elements
  • Attributes
  • Operations
  • Operation Parameters
  • Diagrams
  • Connectors


Open the 'Reusable Asset Service - Baseline' view using one of the methods outlined here.

Select a Baseline on the 'Baseline Browser' tab, then click on the 'Dependency' tab to display a list of dependencies for that Baseline.


Design > Package > Manage > Manage Baselines

Keyboard Shortcuts


Check Baseline Dependencies



See also


Displays the name of the related Package.


Displays the Global Unique Identifier of the related Package.

Find in Registry

Right-click on the 'Package' line and select this option to see if the Package exists in the Registry.

Selecting this option will :

  • Open the 'Reusable Asset Service' view
  • Connect to the Registry and load the Storage that is currently selected in the 'Reusable Asset Service - Baseline' view
  • Open the 'Search Registry' dialog
  • Search for the selected Package using its GUID and display the results of the search, if any
Search Registry Reuseable Asset Service (RAS)

Find in Project Browser

Right-click on the 'Package' line and select this option to see if the Package also exists in your model and, if it does, to highlight it in the Browser window.

Copy Package Name to Clipboard

Right-click on the 'Package' line and select this option to copy the Package name to the clipboard.

Copy Package GUID to Clipboard

Right-click on the 'Package' line and select this option to copy the Package GUID to the clipboard.


  • The Name and Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of a Package containing 'external' objects will not be stored with the Baselines if the option 'Check Package dependency when creating Baseline' is disabled on the 'Baseline' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog

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