Release Details

Release Notes for Enterprise Architect 11

  • HTTP server
    • Enterprise Architect can now connect to models directlythrough HTTP or HTTPS through Cloud Services application (Available separately)
    • Integrates with model security to prevent access for users who aren't authorized to access the model
    • Choose between integration with IIS web server or a stand-alone server
    • Includes optimizations that aren't available through ODBC connections
    • Provides support for Open Service for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) hosting
      • Allows any OSLC client to access an Enterprise Architect model
    • Provides a Reusable Asset Service (RAS)
      • Share packages and associated files with users of other models
      • Dependencies between packages are managed by Enterprise ArchitectProvide multiple versions of a package as it changes over time
      • Download any package and import it and all packages it depends on into your model
      • Compare your version of any package with the original
  • Firebird Repositories
    • Users now have the choice if they want to use the traditional Jet database or the new Firebird database locally
    • Create Firebird backed databases in all editions of Enterprise Architect
  • Reporting & Document Generation
    • New suite of report templates
      • Produce more attractive and easier to read reports without need for customization
      • Consistent use of styles between reports
    • Easily customize any report
      • Create a company cover page with your logo and desired formats and apply it to any report
      • Customize the appearance of the table of contents and apply it to any report
      • Define a style sheet to change the text styles used in any report
      • Create a diagram theme to use for all diagram images in your report or use one of the themes provided
      • Adapt to the style requirements of different clients without the need to create completely new reports
      • Define report specifications to allow a report to be recreated with exactly the same settings each time
    • DocX support added
      • Generate reports to DocX format using existing templates
      • Open and Edit DocX documents with Enterprise Architect
    • Additional constants to provide information about a report
      • Available on cover page, header or footer
      • ReportDateLong and ReportDateShort provide the date the report was run
      • ReportTitle provides the name of the template being run
      • ReportAuthor provides the name of the person running the report
      • ReportSource provides the connection string of the model
      • ReportFilename provides the path of the generated report
      • ReportName, ReportVersion, ReportStatus, ReportAlias all provide information about the top level package being generated
    • Update Styles command available in to set the styles of a document to match a style sheet
    • Define a Template Fragment that calls a different fragment based on element type
    • Neaten report output by adding bookmarks to support conditional output
    • Define a header to be generated for the first item only
    • Define a list separator to be generated for items other than the first
    • Conditionally write text around any field only if it is non-empty
    • See system reports for examples
  • Specification Manager
    • View and Edit Requirements or other element types in a view that looks like a document
    • Each heading and its text corresponds to a model element
    • Browse your model for packages containing requirements
    • Show all elements in a package or filter by a specified type
    • Add columns that display an icon for each element that contains:
      • Linked documents
      • Discussions
      • Relationships to other elements
      • Resource allocations
      • Maintenance items
      • Files
      • Test
      • Risks
    • Each indicator icon can be double-clicked to take you to that information
    • Convenient links to related options and views along the top of the view
    • Integrated with the Team Review to allow supplementary documents to be added from within the editor
    • See exactly which Relationship Matrix profiles exist for that package and open them
    • Create new Relationship Matrix profiles for the elements you are viewing quickly and easily
    • See the available Relationship Matrix profiles for visible packages
  • Display Charts on Diagrams
    • Summarize and visually display information from your model in a chart format
    • New stereotyped class Chart added which displays as a chart on the diagram
    • Select from multiple types of pie charts and 2d or 3d bar charts
    • Appearance of charts can be customized with a wide range of display options
    • Create charts from element properties or properties from test cases, constraints and more
      • Select multiple packages to include elements from or use all elements in the model
      • Filter the elements using an existing search or define new filters
    • Produce charts from more complicated relationships or non-element information by writing a custom SQL query
    • Display charts from external data sources by supplying the data in a comma separated list
    • Include charts anywhere that a diagram image is used
    • Create lists from anything in your model and show them on a diagram
      • Easily create lists of elements in a package or on a diagram by dragging onto a diagram
      • Drag elements directly from list onto a diagram
    • Create a Time Series chart to display how your model changes over time
      • Utilize a cloud server to automatically update the chart on a fixed schedule
      • Record values for today using a Manual record
      • Use any SQL query to produce the data
      • Built-in examples to get you started
    • Charts are automatically snapped to each other to make a neat dashboard easy to create
  • Element Discussions
    • New capability to add discussions directly to model elements.
    • Element Discussions docked window added.
      • Provides threaded view of the discussions on the currently selected element
      • Adding new discussions and replies is quick and easy due to inline editing
  • Diagram display themes added
    • Easily switch between sets of appearance options to be applied as default to diagrams
    • Create user defined themes for a variety of tasks. (eg. Reporting or presentations)
    • A number of built-in themes are included including High Contrast Themes
    • Apply complete themes or select a subset of the styles included in the theme
    • Includes a number of new display options:
      • Highlight different element types using different fill colors
      • Complex gradients utilizing curves, angled lines and multiple directions can be applied to element fills
      • Adjust the tint amount for element gradients (Range is 50% lighter to 50% darker)
      • Adjust the percentage of elements that are covered by gradients
      • Soften corners of elements using rectangles by applying round edges
      • Select an image to use as a tile for the background
      • New option for page border style
      • Note and constraint fill, text and line colors
  • Document Management
    • New capability to store any file as an artifact in your model.
    • Extends on the capability of linked documents.
    • Documents are added to a model by dragging the file onto a diagram.
    • Diagram shows the icon displayed in Windows explorer.
    • Double click opens the document in registered application.
      • Changes are automatically brought back into the model when saved
    • Documents included in baselines, XMI import/export and copy and paste.
  • Code Generation for State Machines
    • Completely new template driven code generation for state machines
    • Full implementation of State Machines from UML specification. Notably:
      • Concurrent Regions
      • All Pseudostates types: (initial, deepHistory, shallowHistory, junction, choice, entryPoint, exitPoint, terminate)
      • Differentiate between internal, local and external transitions
      • Submachine States and ConnectionPointReferences
      • Deferrable Triggers
      • State behaviors
      • Full signal support including signal attributes
    • Generate code to all of these languages:
      • ANSI C, OOC, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, SystemC
    • Create an 'executable statemachine' artifact to generate the interaction between instances of multiple classes owning State Machines
    • Visually debug the generated code using the Enterprise Architect debugger to see how the state machine runs
      • Execution Analyzer script automatically generated for standard compilers
  • Simulation of object instances
    • Behaviors created inside a classifier will now include an instance of that classifier in the locals display
    • Added support for Object Flow between Actions
    • Functions for managing object lifetime also available in Javascript code
    • Object behavior can be started through actions. (CallObjectBehavior)
    • Object behavior can also be started through Javascript code
    • Operations on a class with code defined in Javascript can be called on objects in simulation
    • Activity Parameter support added
      • Values passed in from Action Pins from Call Behavior Action
      • Return value passed out on result ActionPin
      • Access parameter values from javascript inside Activity
    • Added support for Action types related to object values:
      • ReadVariable
      • WriteVariable
      • ClearVariable
      • AddVariableValue
      • RemoveVariableValue
      • ReadSelf
      • Send Object
      • Value Specification
      • Clear Structural Feature
      • Remove Structural Feature Value
  • Kanban process support
    • Create a diagram showing Kanban style lanes
    • Automatically manage element sizes and positions, you only need to put elements in the appropriate lane
    • Bind lanes to a property element to different values of an element property
      • Phase
      • Status
      • Priority
      • Version
      • Named tagged value
    • View diagrams with an improved lane style
    • Set a limit on the number of items in each lane
    • Activated via the Swimlanes and Matrix dialog
    • Moving elements into a lane prevented when element is locked or user has insufficient permissions
  • Other Reporting Changes
    • Unicode support within Linked Documents improved.
      • Better handling of right to left languages
      • Character display for many languages improved
    • Comments now supported within Linked Documents, Templates and Team Review.
      • Add comments to a text selection
      • Comments displayed in page margin
      • Comments automatically excluded from generated documentation
    • Relationship matrix documentation updated.
      • Documentation now includes all defined relationship matrices for each package
      • Source and target package values corrected
    • User Interface changes to make working with templates easier
      • Template selection in Generate Documentation dialog now groups templates under headings for 'User', 'System' and technology
      • Templates page of Generate Documentation dialog now groups each type of user template
      • Resource Tree restructured to group template types within 'User', 'System' and technology groups
      • Resource Tree and Generate Documentation dialog Templates page now use distinct icons for each template type
    • Diagram selection based report is now possible
    • Template Fragments can now be defined for the diagram section
    • Default filename for a report will now match the Package Name
    • Technology Metatypes now available in Connector Filters list
    • Generation of reports to Unicode filenames now possible
    • New field added to Attribute section. IsID returns true if the attribute uniquely identifies the containing class.
    • Template fragments not generating any text will no longer leave the template section in the report.
    • Text Styles from templates will no longer be lost after note fields in unusual circumstances related to escape characters in notes.
    • Generated note fields are now inserted with the text style from the template.
    • Linked Document editor will now allow PDF documents to be embedded.
    • Template Editor context menu now displays styles that are active for the current text.
    • Document generation for Element.ValueOf fields updated to report display values
    • Loading of Document Templates improved to prevent visual artifacts from tables
    • Document Template editor 'New' button now prompts before clearing the document
    • Reports generated from Model Documents and Master Documents will now generate Matrix sections
    • Saving documents to PDF updated to prevent drawing issues in upper left corner
    • SQL query fragments now support substitutions including #Branch#
    • SQL query fragments containing empty values will now remove the markers from the generated reports
    • Script fragments now report more useful error messages when they fail
    • Script fragments can now can now return a result larger than 16k in length
    • Scenario template markers will now longer be included in generated reports
    • Transitions section of RTF Documents will now be fully replaced for the first transition being generated
    • Documentation ValueOf fields now work with tagged value names containing enclosing Parenthesis
    • New fields available in the Attribute Section of HTML reports
      • #TRANSIENT#
      • #DERIVED#
      • #ISID#
      • #COLLECTION#
      • #ISORDERED#
    • New fields for attributes in tables
      • #NOTNULL#
      • #PK#
      • #FK#
      • #UNIQUE#
    • New field in scenario step template
      • #TYPE#
    • HTML Reporting updated to prevent diagrams being inserted into the wrong parent
    • HTML reports will no longer include Diagram Frame objects in navigation tree
    • URL tagged value types now generate hyperlinks in HTML reports
    • Hyperlinks to model elements in HTML report improved
    • Scenario steps with elements in the Uses field will now be created as a hyperlink in HTML reports
    • HTML Reports from a model document can now set a default diagram
    • HTML Reports from a master document now document the properties of the top level packages
    • Icons in navigation tree of HTML reports will now contain transparency when generated from machines with 16 bit color
    • HTML generation will now prompt to save unchanged diagrams at start of generation
    • Hyperlinks generated to HTML reports will now work if address specified by user includes the protocol
    • Operation behavior linked to a behavior will now generate a hyperlink to the behavior in HTML reports
    • Diagram images in HTML reports will now match the colors displayed on screen
    • RTF Custom Script Fragment will now be able to return large data sets
    • Elements are no longer duplicated in reports when children are not filtered but the parent is
    • Document Template Editor will now allow a template to be saved without requiring the new button to be pressed before starting
    • Document editor updated to use same toolbar as template editor
    • Document Editor bottom scrollbar will no longer be drawn under the diagram tabs
    • Dropping Elements from a Model Search to a Linked Document will now offer a choice of template to use to generate the items
    • System defined documentation templates will now provide a context menu allowing view or copy
    • Resource Tree will now allow dragging Linked Document Templates between groups
    • Documents opened in internal editor will now be editable
    • Load speed of Document Generation dialog improved
    • Linked documents behavior for corrupted rtf data improved
    • Rendering of Unicode text into reports improved
    • Project Constants changes now available in open template editors
    • Template Fragments specified as SQL will now work on Oracle databases
    • List rendering in documents improved to prevent issue where lists coming from different note fields could be merged
  • Diagramming
    • Alpha Transparency now supported for alternate images
      • Import from 32 bit bitmaps or PNG images
    • Shape scripted elements can now have an alternate image applied
    • Elements created via Ctrl + Dragging existing elements on a diagram will be created at the mouse position regardless of zoom level.
    • Object placement when pasting objects close to edge of diagram improved.
    • Parts, States and UI Elements can now be copied to another element by holding Control while dragging them on a diagram.
    • Connectors created in Orthogonal style are now drawn orthogonal as soon as they are created.
    • Element font selection updated to prevent interaction between the 'Bold Element Names' option and font styles.
    • Creating a new element using Ctrl + Left Click shortcut will no longer be possible for users without Update Diagrams permission.
    • Elements and connectors set with a line thickness of 2 will now appear cleaner
    • Custom Compartments displaying Child Elements no longer show the child name if the child is on the diagram
    • Object styles of newly pasted elements will now be the same as their original elements
    • Composite Diagrams shown in an element compartment now reload feature visibility after composite diagram is saved
    • Communication Messages between elements will now be created attached to the new Association when creating copies of elements and connectors with the Paste as New dialog
    • Packages that have been filtered from the diagram will no longer draw icons for their contained elements
    • Shape scripted connector decorations will now be now always be drawn on the center segment for orthogonal connectors with rounded corners.
    • Shape scripted connectors without labels will no longer cause additional whitespace on right of diagrams
    • Presentation mode element highlight improved on locked diagrams
    • Positions of orthogonal connectors drawn as a straight line will be now be stable when selecting start or end elements
    • Deleting a signal will now update any send signal actions that are referencing it
    • Structural Element Dialog will now allow inserting ports and parts with the same name from different parents
    • Black color from the diagram toolbar can now be set to override a different default color for font and border color
    • Border color now applied via default appearance dialog when a shape script in use
    • Diagram layout toolbar button enabled for behavioral diagrams except Timing & Interaction Overview
    • Diagram Matrix and Swimlane resizing will now scale the minimum size with diagram zoom level
    • Required and Provided interfaces added to a Sequence diagram from the structural elements dialog will now retain their names
    • Connectors linked to elements features will now always be attached to the left or right side of the element
    • Re-ordering sequence messages by holding the alt key will no longer cause the settings menu from being shown if immediately saving using keyboard shortcut
    • Sequence Message context menu will now enable options to raise or lower activation level appropriately
    • Adding new elements to diagrams will now take a consistent time independent of the number of diagram are open
    • Dragging of elements between diagrams will now drop as instance without prompting a second time
    • Custom compartments specified by shape scripts can now be displayed in linked notes
    • Diagram creation will now only apply settings from diagram in Template Package when it matches the technology of the new diagram
    • Diagram filters will now filter embedded elements without impacting any other elements
    • Resizing either top and left edges of objects will now preserve embedded element positions relative to top left of the object
    • Stereotypes on items conveyed on Information Flow connectors can now be toggled with the diagram option to show element stereotypes
    • Right aligned labels adjusted to ensure consistent position when zooming
    • Selecting a Raised Exception for operations will no longer leave the Project Browser in a bad state
    • Creation of stereotyped diagrams will no longer add a prefix of '>' if option not using extended stereotype characters
    • Resizing Interaction Fragments with attached notes will now preserve note link positions
    • Status colors can now be shown for Component, Property, Device and ExecutionEnvironment elements
    • Renaming Primitive, Enumeration and Datatype elements will now update types where they have been used as a classifier
    • Dropping an element that already exists on the diagram will no longer mark the diagram as dirty
    • Element shadows will now be drawn partially transparent
    • Status colors on element shadows will now draw for the full shadow instead of an outline
    • Diagram option for page border display renamed to Hide Page Border (Current Diagram) to reflect the way overrides the system wide option to show a page border
    • Creating Composite Diagrams will now prompt for a name instead of using default name
    • Dropping Class from Project Browser onto another class on a diagram now provides the option of creating an attribute
    • Copying existing elements will now update the creation date but not the modified date (similar to file copy behavior in Windows)
    • Notes linked to connectors can now display a connector's constraints
    • Creating a Profiled elements from the Project Browser will now create the default composite diagram
    • Structural Elements can now be added to a diagram when their source package is locked
    • Paste Elements As New dialog no longer increments auto name counter if the element(s) were not pasted
    • Paste Elements As New dialog now ensures Name and Alias counters are incremented synchronously
    • Pasting elements as new with connectors will now include all connector tagged values
    • Converting a connector to an Aggregation will now set the destination shared property
    • Now possible to hide a segment of orthogonal style connectors
    • Selecting multiple objects will no longer allow objects to be accidentally moved outside of their parent
    • Moving an embedded element will no longer cause positions of sibling items to be recalculated
    • Modifying the standard colors will now update diagrams that are located outside the main view
    • Shape scripted labels will now draw with default colour from the owning object when not overridden in script
    • Shape Script editor preview will now draw ArcTo consistently with diagram rendering.
    • Port and Part element type display can now be disabled when the default is to show it
    • Applying a style with the default font color from the format toolbar will no longer result in white text
    • Quick-linker keyboard shortcut updated to ensure selected connector direction is obeyed
    • Diagram Labels overlapping a connector handle will no longer be selected when clicking on the handle
    • Connector labels are now drawn on top of all connectors.
    • Connector labels can now be set to bold even if element names are not being drawn as bold
    • Connector label positions will now stable in situations that could previously cause their position to be saved incorrectly
    • Connector labels on top of transparent elements will now draw with diagram background color
    • Diagram filters can now filter for connectors of type Realization
    • Element Alignment modified to ensure consistent behavior for different methods of selecting elements
    • Background colors of icons displayed on objects improved when changing default colours
    • Auto-size of elements updated to ensure a more consistent result
    • Maximum zoom level for diagram increased to 800%
    • Saving a diagram to pdf will no longer invert watermark text
    • Information Item rendering updated to improve text wrapping in small areas
    • Connect to Element Feature on connector context menu will now be available when clicking on small segments
    • State machine rendering updated to prevent issue that could cause corners to be drawn off the screen
    • Rendering of stereotypes for grouped attributes and operations improved
  • ArcGIS
    • Export of RangeDomain elements updated to set appropriate data types
    • Coordinate System Dialog updated to re-load tagged values after setting coordinate system
    • Menu items for ArcGIS are now available in context menu in the Project Browser under Extensions in addition to in the main menu.
    • Set Coordinate System now disables Vertical Coordinate system selection when no valid coordinate system is selected
    • HasM and HasZ properties on a GeometryDef are no longer required and have been removed
  • ArchiMate
    • Name of Business event, Representation, Deliverable and Gap elements moved near top of element instead of centered in ArchiMate 2
    • Model Pattern added to ArchiMate 2 technology
    • Quick linker updated to correct Specializations
    • Colors for floating labels displayed on ArchiMate elements are now set from the element font color
  • BPMN
    • Loop order property added to BPEL properties dialog for BPMN 2.0 Activity elements
    • BPMN gateways will no longer change the diagram scroll position when created
    • Migration from BPMN 1.1 to BPMN 2.0 improved
    • Group element rendering improved
    • Resizing Pools and Lanes in BPMN 2.0 diagrams without a Flow direction set will no longer cause lanes to lose their parent pool
    • BPMN connector creation checks updated
      • All validation checks can now be disabled by clearing 'String Connector Syntax' on the Links options page
      • Creation of message flows between activities in lanes from different packages is no longer prevented
      • Message Flows can now be added to Events where eventDefinition = 'Multiple'
      • Other minor fixes for consistency
    • New Elements with a subtype option created by the quick linker will now set a default subtype and create the relationship
    • Repeating the last element created will now use the correct stereotype after creating multiple connectors with quick linker
    • Message Flow connector updated to prevent message icon from disappearing
  • ERD
    • Transform from Data Modeling profile to ERD will now set tagged values for types when creating an attribute
    • Transform from ERD to Data Modeling profile will now copy attributes when the source of the connector is the attribute instead ofthe table
  • GML
    • Added support for GML 3.3.
      • GML Profile now updated
      • Export to GML Application Schema 3.3 now supported
    • GML Exporter updated to allow GML Properties that refer external Dictionaries to be typed by GML CodeType for GML 3.2.1.
    • GML export added to Extensions part of context menu in the Project Browser and Diagram.
    • GML Exporter updated to generate 'minOccurs' attribute on model groups. Allows support of hyperlinking the value of a property by reference
  • SysML
    • Added support for Callout notation
      • Create a Note element and on the NoteLink select Link to Element Feature
    • Added support for Requirement relationship compartments; trace, copy, deriveReqt and verify
    • SysML connector validation checks can now be disabled by clearing 'String Connector Syntax' on the Links options page
    • Port rendering updated to ensure correct direction is drawn after a flow property on its type is added or deleted (SysML 1.3)
    • Block rendering updated show property stereotypes in references and values compartments (SysML 1.3)
    • Viewpoint rendering updated to show full text of tagged values (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
    • Constraint Blocks will now draw the keyword �constraint� instead of the stereotype �constraintBlock� (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
    • Allocate Activity Partitions will now draw the keyword �allocate� instead of the stereotype �allocateActivityPartition� (SysML1.2 and 1.3)
    • Drop from the Project Browser will now retain full height of original when copying the layout from a diagram
    • Drop from the Project Browser will no longer offer to copy layout from Diagram Frames used in IBD and Parametric diagrams
    • IBD and Parametric diagrams can now be created for a block directly from the context menu
    • DirectedFeature stereotype added to SysML 1.3 profile
      • Blocks now include direction when drawing compartment for properties with DirectedFeature stereotype applied
    • Adding an element to an Allocate Activity Partition will now set the parent correctly when the diagram is showing a diagram frame for the Diagram owner
    • Parametric diagram simulation result now save to csv with system delimiter setting.
    • SysML Diagrams will now display Namespace for elements from external packages
    • SysML Technologies now available in all editions when SysML key is available
  • UML
    • ConnectionPointReference support added
    • Entry Points and Exit Points on a StateMachine correspond to a Connection Point Reference on a SubMachine State
    • A single ConnectionPointReference can reference multiple Entry Points or Exit Points on the source StateMachine (but direction must match)
    • Internal Transitions for a State are now always rendered in the same compartment as Internal Activities.
    • Pseudo States will no longer draw stereotype icons intended for classes.
    • Action Pin notation updated to include parameter type if one is specified.
    • Association connectors will no longer draw aggregation diamonds at both ends.
    • Connector links (e.g. between Ports and Parts) are always created undirected.
    • Realization connectors will now display stereotypes on diagrams
    • Quick Linker now provides option for linking between fork/join nodes and action pins
    • Strict Connector Syntax will now allow Extension from a Stereotype to Metaclass
    • Collaboration Occurrence elements may be drawn elongated if allowed by options
    • Assembly connector updated to allow Auto Route line style
    • Note Links to Communications messages with same source and target will now link to the label
    • Structured Activity Nodes will now consistently draw with a fill while panning or saving a diagram.
    • Aggregations and Compositions drawn with the Quicklink keyboard shortcuts draw in the correct direction.
    • Sequences messages to Exposed interfaces will now draw to the lifeline.
    • Namespace for Enumeration elements now shown as part of the name as for Class elements
    • Non-selectable Call Behavior Actions will now open the diagram associated with their behavior when double clicked
    • Fork and Join elements will now longer lose its size after undoing a rotation
    • Anonymous Actions will now render their behavior correctly
    • Pressing F2 to add a name to an Anonymous Action will now place the editor in the center of the Action
    • Port name change will now be propagated to reused ports if diagram hasn't been reloaded before name change
    • Redefining a locked Port is now possible
    • InformationFlow connectors updated to ensure conveyed items is not displayed twice after modifying the connector direction
    • Partitions of Structured Activity elements (Loop Node, Conditional Node and Sequence Node) can now be resized
    • Stereotyped Actors will now draw displayed features below their name
    • States and StateMachines can now be used as a diagram frame on their composite diagram
    • Guards from Transition and InterruptFlow will now be shown when stereotypes are hidden on the diagram
    • States and StateMachines that own a composite diagram can now be placed on the composite diagram as a diagram frame.
    • Displayed Namespaces on sequence diagrams will now all be drawn under the lifeline header
    • Condition Node properties dialog updated to create all clauses with no output
    • Note Elements showing an element constraint will now wrap their name in braces
    • DataType elements may own parts, to allow modeling of structured data types
    • Notes on Sequence diagrams will no longer have their z-order restricted
    • Interaction Fragments on Sequence Diagrams can now be locked to prevent moving or resizing them from changing the diagram meaning. Locked Interaction Fragments behave as follows:
      • Can only move vertically on the diagram to help maintain integrity of the fragment
      • Prevents movement past the message above it
      • Resizes fragments that contain it when it's moved or resized
      • Ensures a minimum size for the fragment that will contain all messages and elements that are in it
      • When in Free Move mode, no messages or other elements will be affected on the diagram
    • Operands now have the following behavior when moving them:
      • Fragments and Messages below the line will be moved up/down based on the amount the operand has been resized
      • Operands will resize the interaction fragment they own unless the fragment is in free move mode, in which case it defaults to previous behavior
      • Operands will now bind contained interaction fragments as well as messages. Fragments must be in free move mode in order to be moved outside of the operand
      • Fragments containing other fragments will now resize if an internal fragment is resized to ensure they remain contained.
      • Fragments can no longer be moved above the bottom of another fragment unless in Free Move mode
      • Properties page of a fragment will now return to the properties page if Cancel is selected on the dialog indicating there are unsaved changes
    • Smart Placement can now be used to align elements to sequence messages
    • Renaming a class EA now updates parameter return types on sequence and communication messages
    • Interaction Occurrence behavior improved:
      • Double click will now open the referenced sequence diagram
      • Only Interaction elements can be set as the target
    • Lifelines are no longer created for structural elements owned by Actions and Activities dropped on a sequence diagram.
    • Sequence diagrams created from structured scenarios referencing packages will no longer set the classifier of the generated lifeline
    • Link Classifier can be assigned to Associations between generalized classifiers
    • UML 2 ownership notation added to UML 1.4 style Aggregation connectors
    • Use Case instance names are now underlined
    • Activity Parameter direction may be set to 'return'
    • Pseudo States now bind to a State Region after diagram reload
  • User Interface Design
    • Win32 diagrams can now be imported directly from resource files and generated to update the resource file.
    • Alternate images can now be applied to Win32 picture controls
    • Self-connectors on Win32 user interface elements now track to edge of element.
    • Simple UI Screens will now correctly draw tracking handles and tracking border
    • Various changes to Win32 elements to improve handling of scaling
    • Win32 combo boxes will now allow setting the height of the drop down list
      • Click the arrow button on the combo box to edit list height
      • Height will now be generated to RC file correctly
    • Win32 GUI elements will no longer parent each other when moving on the diagram
  • Other Technologies
    • MDG Technology for NIEM added
    • Predefined tagged value types for time:
      • Date added - Provides date input only
      • Time added - Provides time input only
      • Timestamp added - Provides date and time input
      • DateTime deprecated - Provides date input only
    • Stereotypes inheriting from other profiles improved:
      • Shape script decorations are inherited
      • Tagged values are listed as from the correct stereotype
      • Tag groupings are honoured
      • The correct composite structure diagram will be created
    • MDG Technologies can now be imported into a model
      • Allows access for all users of the model without loss of functionality
    • Decision table view added as a partial implementation of the OMG Decision Model Notation specification
      • Define a decision table against any behavior object using this standard notation
    • SPEM Profile updated to remove prefix from displayed stereotypes on diagrams
    • Associations between Table elements now obey the Association default direction option setting.
    • Organization Chart connectors from Strategy Map profile modified to allow the line style to be modified
    • Status colors can now be displayed for DataType, PrimitiveType, Enumeration, Device, ExecutionEnvironment and Property elements
    • Diagram Gate elements will now be drawn in Diagram Frames for non UML diagrams.
    • Quick Linker modified to filter on profile when multiple stereotypes exist with the same name
    • Shape scripts SetOrigin function will now evaluate correctly when used inside conditional blocks
    • Shape scripts can now define shape scripts based on elements that have connectors to the element being drawn:
      • Defined using shape RelatedElement
      • Can query element information and connector information
    • New Shape Script properties for element scripts:
      • Priority displays the priority of Requirements, Issues etc.
      • IsDrawCompositeLinkIcon allows you to test whether a composite link icon should be drawn or not
    • Shape script add-in query can now be specified in lower case
    • MDG Technology wizard will no longer append unnecessary extensions to server paths
    • Quicklinker diagram blacklists and whitelists now work for extended diagram types
    • Quicklinker definition can now specify all diagram types belonging to a profile in the diagram filter column. e.g. BPMN2.0::*;
    • Web Site links MDG Technology dialog will now work with https links
    • Processes in the Data Flow Diagram technology will now create Data Flow Diagrams as their composite diagram
    • Elements created from profile extending the table stereotype will now allow the database to be set
    • Profiled Realizations can now be created when profile directly imported into model
    • Profile packages can now be saved in all formats regardless of stereotype case
    • Custom properties with default values set in the UML Metamodel can be overridden in UML Profiles
  • Model Exchange & XML Technologies
    • XMI 1.1 import of packages storing stubs of child packages updated to ensure XMI for the child package always has precedence for the properties of that package
    • XMI 2.x import updated to support tag values and constraints containing ';' character
    • XMI 2.x import from other tools updated to improve import of Comments from any tool
    • XMI 2.x import from other tools updated to apply the imported Constraints to the correct element
    • XMI 2.x import of profiles updated to recreate metaclasses and extension connectors
    • XMI import updated to prevent errors importing connectors with a member type property exceeding the database size limit
    • XMI import of ActionPins on CallActions updated to prevent creation of duplicate GUIDs
    • XMI import from Rhapsody updated to detect relationships between SysML Blocks and Parts
    • XMI import updated to handle duplicate method parameter names
    • XMI 2.x export updated to support Association specialized properties ( redefine and subset )
    • XMI 2.x export updated to support redefined operations & raised exceptions
    • XMI 2.x export updated to specify the correct namespace details for OMG Profiles
    • XMI 2.x export updated to specify the correct value for the property 'isUnique' on Operation Parameters
    • XMI export updated to support exporting tagged values on instance ports
    • XMI export will now be able to export custom collection classes on a class
    • XMI import of Linked Documents into Firebird, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and ASA will no longer cause a database error
    • Scan XMI and Reconcile Model operation will no longer update a package checked-out to other user in a shared model
    • Missing Cross-References dialog updated to allow locating the items with a missing cross-reference in the Project Browser
    • Publish Model command is no longer available to users who don't have 'Export XMI' permission
    • XML Schema generation updated to handle enumerations created since version 10
    • Import XML Schema dialog now allows progress text to be copied or saved to a file
    • XSD and WSDL generation handling of UTF-16 improved
    • XMI import with strip-guids enabled will now update the owning region for state elements
    • Saving a diagram containing a Note element improved
  • Automation
    • New Properties
      • Attribute.IsID indicates if the attribute can be used to uniquely identify an instance of the containing class
      • Element.TemplateParameters provides a collection of Template Parameters for the element
      • Connector.TemplateBindings provides a collection that defines how the Template Parameters from the target object are bound to concrete types in the source object
      • Simulation.Speed allows the speed of simulations to be changed
    • New Functions
      • Repository.GetGapAnalysisMatrix() returns an XML string with details of all Gap Analysis Matrices for the model
      • Repository.GetRelationshipMatrix() returns an XML string with details of all Relationship Matrix profiles for the model
      • Repository.AddDocumentationPath allows an add-in to add their documentation to the learning center
      • Element.GetBusinessRules() returns an XML string with details of the Business Rules stored for the element
      • Package.ApplyUserLockRecursive allows a user lock to be applied to the package and all children
      • Package.ReleaseUserLockRecursive allows a user lock to be released from the package and all children
      • Package.ApplyGroupLockRecursive allows a group lock to be released to the package and all children
      • Simulation.BroadcastSignal sends a specified signal to the running simulation
      • Element.DeleteLinkedDocument deletes the linked document attached to the element
      • Element.SetCompositeDiagram sets the element composite diagram
      • Repository.LoadAddins() allows add-ins to be loaded when Enterprise Architect is opened from automation
      • Session.Input (Scripting) allows scripts to show dialog asking for a value when ActiveX objects disabled on system
    • New Types
      • TemplateParameter type is the parameter of any templated type
      • TemplateBinding type is the binding of a template parameter to a concrete type on a connector.
    • DocumentGenerator.InsertText now applies the style to the inserted text instead of the entire paragraph.
    • DocumentGenerator.NewDocument now loads RTF styles from the specified template.
    • Repository.ClearAuditLogs now returns a boolean indicating that no error occurred.
    • Repository.LibraryVersion now shows up in code suggestions
    • Repository.SuppressEADialogs can now be set in EA_OnPostNewConnector to prevent the default connector properties dialog from being shown.
    • Repository.AdviseConnectorChange now updates tagged values on connectors properly.
    • Repository.AdviseConnectorChange now updates open diagrams with connector visual changes
    • Project.SaveControlledPackage will now behave consistently with the user interface concerning the option 'Includes sub-packages'
    • Project.ImportPackageXMI will now set an error on failure that can be retrieved using GetLastError
    • DiagramObject.ElementID can now be set to allow changing the diagram object to a different element
    • Connector.Update will now handle errors from invalid values being assigned
    • Session.Output (Scripting) will now truncate text above 16383 characters instead of silently failing
    • EA_OnPostNewDiagram will now be called before EA_OnPostOpenDiagram during creation of a new diagram
    • EA_OnPreNewDiagramObject now provides an Element ID when an element is dropped from the toolbox.
    • EA_OnPostNewDiagramObject is now broadcast when new profiled elements are added to a diagram
    • EA_OnPostNewDiagramObject EventProperties now provides DiagramID, DiagramElementID
    • EA_OnRetrieveModelTemplate now supports an empty string being returned
    • EA_OnPreNewConnector and EA_OnPostNewConnector are now called when a realization is created by dropping a requirement from the Project Browser onto an element on the diagram
    • EA_OnContextItemChanged now handles selection of project root nodes
    • EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified now called when an element is made composite
    • CustomProperty elements returned from Element.CustomProperties or Connector.CustomProperties now support saving changes.
    • Applying stereotypes to attributes, connectors and connector ends will now synchronize tagged values
    • SetStereotype for Attribute, Method and Connector now handles stereotypes greater than 50 characters in length
    • Embedded elements added to diagram will now only have positions adjusted if they are not in a valid position
    • Project.GenerateClass will now generate code for Enumerations
    • Tabs created via an Add-in will no longer lose their name when redocking
    • Lite edition will no longer allow add-ins to define menu items or add custom views
    • Lite edition no longer begins a trial for licensed MDG technology add-ins from Sparx Systems when started
  • Code Engineering
    • Code Generation is now aware of Association Classes:
      • Members will be generated for associated class for either end of the association
      • New substitution macros are available to determine if the current context is an association class: classIsAssociationClass, linkAttOwnedByAssociation, linkAttOwnedByClass, linkIsAssociationClass and connectorIsAssociationClass
      • Model Transformation can now create Association Classes
    • Code Generation of Activity diagrams updated to improve handling of do-while style loops.
    • Code Generation of Activity diagrams now handles decisions with multiple incoming control flows.
    • Code Generation from Activities will now generate default values for Activity Parameters
    • Code generation updated to support template binding Connector:
      • Include statements for generated C++ code
      • New field substitution macro importFromTemplateBinding
    • Model Transformations can now Create TemplateBinding connectors including the binding parameter substitution
    • Reverse Engineering updated to prevent substrings of Additional Collection Classes preventing an Association from being created.
    • VB.Net reverse engineering updated to handle comments between a property declaration and the accessors.
    • Code Template string processing functions RIGHT and MID now return the full string or the rest of it if the length specified is longer than the original string.
    • C datatypes now available when in all models
    • C reverse engineering of '#define' directives update to improve recognition of Operations and Attributes
    • C code engineering updated to ensure methods from #define directives are not moved from .h to .c when doing synchronization
    • C reverse engineering updated prevent situation where type is used as the name of an attribute
    • C/C++ code reverse engineering updated to handle unnamed bitfields
    • C++/C# import will now create relationships to classes referenced with a namespace alias
    • C/C++ parser now handles GNU/GCC __attribute__ directive
    • C/C++ parser now handles function pointer as parameter type
    • C++ code generation will no longer generate implementation for constructor on realized interface
    • C++ code generation for Interfaces will now generate all methods as virtual
    • C++ code generation will no longer generate non-static Linked attributes to implementation file
    • Code generation of associations from multiple inner classes improved
    • VB.Net reverse engineering of auto implemented properties improved
    • Model Transformations can now set the Phase of generated elements
    • Reverse Engineering of arrays using long constant variable will now be omitted if it will not fit into the attribute multiplicity field
    • Collection Class substitution in generated code can now use a qualified name of the target type
    • Model Transformation will now reset state correctly if EASL macros are used in the transformation
    • C# and VB.Net round-trip support of asych keyword added
    • Associations to templated classes are now imported for attributes to instantiations of those classes are found on code import
    • Ada overloaded functions are can now be imported
    • New field substitution macro: attIsID corresponds to Attribute Detail checkbox isID
    • Live Code Generation will now update code when deleting attributes or operations
    • Attributes will now be generated in code for Associations to Enumerations
    • .Net 4 assemblies can now be imported using reflection without requiring workarounds
  • Database Engineering
    • Database Comparison window now provides options to save alter DDL statements to file or copy them to the clipboard
    • ODBC import of MySQL updated to import foreign keys for tables containing a column with the default value "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
    • ODBC import of SQL Server composite primary keys and unique constraints improved
    • ODBC import from DB2 mainframe updated to prevent errors due to Unicode support
    • ODBC import from PostgreSQL updated to preserve column order
    • ODBC import from Oracle updated to import sorted indices
    • ODBC import from Oracle updated preserve order of composite unique constraints
    • ODBC import from Sybase ASE updated to improve handling of column defaults
    • ODBC import from Firebird/InterBase will now import multiple foreign keys on a table
    • ODBC import of Foreign Keys joined to a composite unique constraint improved
    • ODBC import of views with large dependency lists improved
    • ODBC import will of Stored Procedure Parameters will now be imported
    • New option to automatically add indexes to existing foreign keys that aren't already indexed
    • Reset DBMS Options will now update the Owner/Schema of Stored Procedures, View & Functions
    • Table Columns dialog will now set a default value for Type when dialog is shown
    • Round-trip of Spatial datatypes for all supported databases where they are available
    • SQL Server round-trip of RESTRICT integrity constraints on foreign keys
    • SQL Server round-trip of FILLFACTOR and INCLUDE clauses on indexes and constraints
    • SQL Server DDL generation updated to ensure full table is generated for tables that include column comments
    • SQL Lite DDL generation of columns now supports generation of auto increment property
    • Foreign Key dialog will now allow users to update parameters of the foreign key or create a new foreign key
    • Foreign Key window now allows joining to a unique constraint that is part of composite primary key
    • Owner of all Data Model objects can now be displayed on a diagram
    • Foreign Key dialog updated to improve behavior for changing Update referential integrity
    • Foreign Key operations can now be renamed directly from Project Browser
    • Naming of new Foreign Keys improved
    • Updating the datatype of a primary key column will now update the foreign key columns referencing that column
    • PostgreSQL DDL generation of check constraint now omits a qualifier for the constraint name
    • Database View dependencies now includes Tables and View joined by a dependency connector
    • Table column dialog updated to provide additional room for column notes
    • Datatype updates for the following databases:
      • SQL Server 2012
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • SQLAnywhere
    • Modifications to Foreign key operations will no longer remove the connector's link to features at either end of the relationship
    • Unique flag for a column updated to clarify that it participates in a unique constraint
    • Column Extended Properties will now be cleared when the datatype is changed
    • DDL transformation updated to prevent foreign key names exceeding 50 characters
  • Execution Analysis
    • 64 bit support
      • Debug 64 bit apps written in Java, Microsoft Native code and Microsoft .NET
      • Profile 64 bit apps written in Java, Microsoft Native code and Microsoft .NET
      • Workbench classes in a 64 bit runtime for Java and Microsoft .NET
      • Filter available processes for 32 bit, 64 bit or all when attaching to a process
      • Specify target architecture of application in debug script
    • Switching between Profiler and Debugger now possible
    • Function Line Report added to Profiler
      • Select a single function to produce a line report
      • Profiler Report window will then have a new page added
      • A count of the number of times each line is executed is shown
    • Data trace points can now be created
      • Filename, line number and new value are traced to debug output window
    • Trace points can now have conditions added
    • Recursive Java build scripts will no longer hold a reference to the build directory.
    • Java debugger updated to show current enum value in variables windows
    • Nested recording markers for Java and .Net debuggers
      • Each recording marker records the specified stack depth without changing behavior of existing markers
    • Java debugger updated to prevent error message for failure to load class when source code can't be found
    • .Net debugger updated to improve presentation of enums and structs contained in a collection or array
    • .Net debugger updated to improve presentation of base class member values
    • Native debugger updated to simplify presentation of Standard Template Library basic_string type
    • Native debugger updated to prevent display of duplicate static variables
    • Native debugger update to improve display of STL containers in Visual Studio 2013 projects
    • GDB debugger updated to allow specifying a gdbinit file
    • Script debugging will now display source and local variables when double clicking on a frame in the call stack.
    • Script debugger updated to ensure it closes cleanly under Windows XP
    • Script debugger updated to identify object and undefined variables to prevent showing them incorrectly as changed
    • Profiling of multi-threaded targets improved to allow capture data from a high number of threads
    • Profiler report update so that navigation by function uses highest use order
    • Stack capture markers now have a height option to restrict the number of frames captured
    • Debugger Locals window updated to ensure changes to floating point values are captured
    • Profiler will now prompt for confirmation before discarding recorded data
    • Profiler can now be opened directly using the Open Source File command
  • Simulation
    • Structured Activity Nodes simulation added:
      • ConditionalNode
      • LoopNode
      • SequenceNode
    • Breakpoints can now be set on more element types including UML Call Behavior Actions and BPMN Events
    • Selection of elements after simulation passes over them improved
    • Javascript code in a simulation can now call behavior elements owned by an instance of a class that exists in the simulation
    • BPMN Activity simulation updated to allow a loop type to be applied to Script and Send Message tasks
    • Simulation of Sequence Diagrams will now ignore fragments with no Operand condition
    • UIBroadcastSignal and BroadcastSignal can now send a signal by GUID or name
    • Simulation of Sequence Diagrams now supports Critical Fragments
    • Simulation Events window will now show multiple triggers on transitions out active states
    • Simulation output will now include the name of any Initial for Final nodes instead of just their type
    • Simulation of State Machines will no longer block on States defining regions but not including child states
    • State machine simulation will now ignore any operations on a state that are no entry, exit or do behaviors
    • Transitions specifying an Activity as their effect will no longer stop the simulation
    • Corrected issue that could sometimes cause the simulation model to fail to load
  • Baseline Comparisons
    • Baseline compare for large baselines in .eap files improved.
    • Baseline compare of Transition effects containing newline characters will no longer show a difference where none exists.
    • Baseline compare of element resource allocations can now distinguish between multiple resources with the same name but different task.
    • Progress display now includes all stages of comparison.
    • Cancelled comparisons can now be refreshed to re-run the comparison.
    • Cancelled comparisons are now shown in the status bar.
    • Sequence message order number is now displayed in baseline comparison.
    • Diagram Comparison will no longer report that a diagram is unchanged if it didn't exist in the baseline
    • Merge of relationships to packages improved
    • Tagged value notes with multiple lines will no longer be flagged as a difference
    • Connectors from external elements will no longer list the target name for source
    • Next and Previous Change toolbar buttons will now select the root item if changed
    • Enumeration elements will no longer flag as false positive in baseline comparison
  • Back-End Repository Updates
    • Saving to Oracle of diagrams with individual feature visibility extensively used has been improved
    • Saving to Oracle of diagrams with large numbers of swimlanes improved
    • Diagram Matrix profiles will now save without error on Oracle repositories
    • Copy of stereotyped attributes will now be possible on replicated databases
    • Replica synchronization under JET 4 will now resolve conflicts without error
    • Save Project Copy now prompts to save all diagrams before creating the copy.
    • Project Transfer from MySQL to .EAP supports blank DocNames
    • Pipe Character (|) handling in in JET4 .EAP repositories improved
    • Project Transfer to Oracle repositories will no longer fail on operations containing C++ multi line comment delimiters in the code field
    • Project Transfer dialog will now warn user when an unsupported data provider is selected
    • Project Integrity check updated to check for missing GUIDs on PostgreSQL repositories
    • Project Integrity check added to detect StateFlow connectors with value in Top_Mid_Label
    • Import of CSV templates will now handle renaming of a template
    • Generalization sets can now be used on repositories with case sensitive table names
    • Shared Repository creation updated to prevent the shared and main repositories being the same
    • Repair .EAP file command will now perform a Compact for JET 4 files
    • Adding package when connected to a DBMS under WINE will no longer produce an error
    • Element Files page updated to load all details on an ASA repository
  • Project Management
    • Filter Resource Allocations in a variety of ways
      • Show only overdue tasks
      • Show only tasks that are active today
      • Or show tasks active on any selected day
      • Filter out tasks on elements with specified statuses
    • Resource Allocation window now supports adding tasks for multiple resources at once.
    • Project Gantt view now supports Alt + G accelerator to find selected element in Project Browser
    • Gantt view filter bar now allows a range to be specified in the filter bar for percent complete: eg. 1-99
    • Project Gantt View now offers option to show overdue items but not extend the end date
    • Project Gantt View now offers a model option for excluding Elements based on Status
    • Gantt views have new option 'Auto Sync with Task End Date' to automatically display the task end date on grid selection change
    • Selecting a Gantt item in the chart now updates selection in the property grid
    • Personal Task view now offer an Add Resource, this automatically fills resource box with current user
    • Resource Allocation window now displays allocated time as an integer to be compatible with expected time and time expended
    • Resource Allocation list view updated to show reduced column set by default. All fields now available in Field Chooser
    • Package Browser Gantt view will now update all group durations after changing a filter
    • Selecting an item in the Project Calendar when Project Management contains unsaved changes will now prompt to save the changes
  • Learning Center
    • Learning center revamped to be an all in one document repository
    • Window uses breadcrumb style navigation to provide context and encourage navigation
    • Back and forward buttons allow you to easily progress through topics
    • Inline document viewer means that you are always in context and the document doesn't interrupt the work you are doing
    • Add-Ins can call the new function Repository.AddDocumentationPath to add their documentation to the learning center
      • Use built-in script 'VBScript - Create Learning Center Books' to generate the structure from Linked Documents
    • Hyperlinks on a diagram can now point to Learning Center documents
  • Other Changes
    • Windows 8 high dpi compatibility improved
    • Model search can now use #NOW# substitution to provide a database independent compare against date fields
      • Include an offset of days or hours to vary the time compared against (eg. #NOW-7d#, #NOW-2h#, #NOW+2d#)
    • Added ability to retrieve third party Add-in Keys from Keystore service
      • Additional broadcasts required to identify and validate keys retrieved from keystore
    • Working sets can now be stored and opened from an Artifact element
    • Applying an alternate image from the clipboard will no longer be possible for users without 'Configure Images' permission
    • Construct Picker updated to display icons customized by technologies for stereotyped elements.
    • Ctrl + U in Model Search window when docked in the output bar will locate the correct Element.
    • Loading of workflow scripts updated to ensure working sets that contain workflow searches can be applied on model load.
    • Reset IDs command now checks that auditing is not enabled before running.
    • Allocated Resource changes will no longer change Project Calendar mode.
    • When source editor files are modified by an external application, user warning prompt displays the name and file path of the modified file.
    • Tagged Value editing is no longer possible for users who don't have 'Update Elements' permission.
    • Tagged Values that include an edit mask will now show the edit mask as soon as they are created.
    • Structured Scenario creation from clipboard text will now automatically strip tab characters.
    • Structured Scenario editor will now allow alternate paths to be added after a path is created from clipboard text.
    • Operations dialog will now remain open when an Instance element is selected.
    • Stereotype dialog updated to ensure that list is sorted correctly and doesn't include duplicate items in profile combo-box.
    • Pasting RTF into Notes windows no longer truncates text containing merge fields
    • Diagram list view can now sort Priority and Difficulty columns in non-English language editions of Enterprise Architect
    • Elements added to a diagram showing as a list will now be added to the diagram too.
    • Requirement properties dialog will no longer prompt to save changes when no changes have been made
    • Profile Helper will now list Communication and Class instead of Collaboration and Logical in Add Diagram Extension list
    • Profile Helper no longer swaps _sizeX and _sizeY values
    • Source Code Editor now clears all bookmarks with Ctrl + Shift + F2 accelerator
    • Source Code Editor structure tree now updated after code generation
    • Source Code Editor and Script editor updated to improve filtering based on typed name
    • Source Code Editor showing XML now updates the structure tree if the file was modified externally
    • Source Code Editor structure tree will now show Java methods
    • Transformation template editor to highlight connectorSourceElemTag and connectorDestElemTag
    • Find in all Diagrams will now clear previous selection before finding the requested element
    • Connector Properties dialog will now save Source Role and Target Role when dialog is closed
    • Export Reference Data dialog modified to clarify how to export tagged value types
    • Export Reference Data dialog will now list RTF and Linked Document templates sorted by name
    • Reference data import of scripts will now update the Scripting window
    • Script Editor will now display scripts from MDG Technologies without allowing them to be edited
    • Element Browser now sorts Maintenance, Testing and Project Management entries into nodes based on their type
    • Element Browser updated with additional context menu items for adding and editing items
    • Next and Previous options now available on selected dialogs created from Element Browser
    • Element Browser updated to improve handling of un-named Project Management types
    • Special stereotyped elements created outside of a diagram will now have their stereotype applied
    • Alternate element images saved to repository with unique ImageIDs
    • Importing Tests from other elements will no longer show tests already on the current element
    • Hyperlinks created in the Notes window will now be saved if they are clicked immediately
    • Model Mail window now allows showing a filter bar for both inbox and sent items
    • List view (such as Find in Project) handling of changes to element properties improved
    • Select Type dialog is now able to filter results based on a selected namespace
    • Overrides and Implementations dialog will now update all open diagrams after adding operations
    • Pasting multiple objects from one diagram to another will now prompt to continue if an object already exists
    • Stereotypes management improved for users without Stereotype permission
      • Stereotypes will now be displayed properly
      • Stereotypes can be removed from an element
    • Stereotype lists in dialogs are now all sorted alphabetically
    • Note editors now support searching for Unicode strings from context menu
    • Trigger properties dialog will now allow setting the trigger kind from without an Advanced page
    • Action Pin properties dialog will now allow setting kind without an Advanced page
    • MDG Technology wizard now displays the page text when used under WINE
    • In-place editor updated to handle editing the name of elements showing parents
    • Properties dialogs showing a list of properties will now close properly when focus is in the list
    • Dropping multiple elements from Project Browser onto a diagram will now allow you to perform the same operation for all elements
    • Model Views from searches optimized to handle large result sets
    • Extend Metaclass dialog no longer lists Property twice
    • Grammar editor modified to only create profiling information if the Profile tab is visible
    • Activity properties dialog now has the Parameters page enabled when first opened
    • Embedded elements can now be added from the Project Browser context menu
    • Attribute multiplicity will now be updated when transforming packages
    • Performance of creating operations or editing attributes on large databases improved
    • CSV Import/Export Specifications dialog will now enable Save and Save As buttons only when the specification is complete
    • Profiled elements in a Template Package will no longer cause tagged values to be duplicated when creating an element of that type
    • Relationships window context menu now disables commands that are prevented by locks
    • Relationships window command to place related element in diagram can now be cancelled by pressing escape
    • Relationship window will now load much faster for elements with many connectors
    • Full lock will no longer need to be removed before applying a User or Group lock
    • Creation of link constraints will now be disabled if element owning the link is disabled
    • Diagram Z-Order commands will now check diagram lock state instead of element lock state
    • User Security passwords will now be saved as a SHA hash of the entered password
      • Users with password set in version 11 will no longer be able to log-in with older versions
    • Releasing security locks from very large package hierarchies now handled correctly
    • Security locks on diagrams will no longer be released when the diagram has unsaved changes
    • Project Security updated to allow very large numbers of User Groups
    • Creation of Elements on a Diagram updated to require Update Elements and Manage Diagrams permissions
    • Show Element Type and Port Size Customizable options will now check for diagram lock state instead of object lock state
    • Transform Current in main menu now checks Transform Packages permission
    • Version Control integration with TFS updated to support owner names that include parenthesised text
    • Version Control will now check for command returning after user responds to time-out warning
    • Version control Check in Branch will now prompt to release all locks at end of operation if not keeping the branch checked out
    • Version Controlled packages will now prevent creation of new elements and diagrams if the package is not checked out
    • Operation properties dialog will now clear the Alias field when creating a new operation
    • Gap Analysis matrix will now preserve gap notes when switching between record type
    • Gap Analysis matrix updated to improve keyboard selection of record type
    • Saving .eap as new file will no longer show the datasource dialog if working sets are being saved on close
    • Reload command in tab context menu updated to ensure all views handle it appropriately
    • Connector direction can now be set when properties dialog is shown during creation
    • Workspaces and Commands dialog will now allow the workspace to be reverted to the initial layout when the dialog was opened
    • Workspace and Commands dialog can now hide additional Commands
    • Tagged values window will now show the updated value when overriding the value of an inherited tag
    • Tagged values window will now be able to show BPMN tagged values in Alphabetical list instead of grouped
    • Opening of files in external applications will now open more reliably
    • Floating Diagrams will now accept keyboard accelerators to move (Shift+arrow) or resize (Ctrl+arrow) elements
    • Dropping multiple objects onto floating diagrams now preserves relative positioning between elements
    • Floating diagrams will now gain focus when selecting their outer border
    • Floating diagrams docked to the Enterprise Architect window will now be fully removed when deleted from the Project Browser
    • Docked Properties window updated to prevent Status, Version and Phase being enabled on version controlled packages due to workflow scripts
    • Spell check dialogs now display the current language in their title
    • Quicklinking behavior for Enumeration elements updated
    • Model Validation will no longer report an error when using Package scope for Java classes
    • Model Validation for structured activity nodes updated to allow containment directly in a package.
    • Model Validation rule added for Sequence diagram messages that do not match an operation on the target lifeline
    • Element Properties dialog updated to prevent the Connector properties appearing behind it
    • Project Resources window updated to categorize types of resource more usefully
    • Connector End Qualifiers dialog will now allow deleting all qualifiers
    • Elements with Full Lock will no longer be able to be deleted from Project Browser
    • Creation of Realization and Generalization relationships via Project Browser will now show the Overrides & Implementations dialog
    • Artifact elements can now have composite diagrams added
    • Dropping RTF Templates from the Resource Tree onto a diagram will now be prevented
    • Pasting new elements onto a diagram modified by another user will now succeed
    • Model Mail Viewer and Composition dialogs no longer block interaction with EA when open
    • Glossary dialog updated to improve behavior on replicated databases
    • Glossary dialog will now allow new types that are a substring of an existing type
    • Glossary dialog will now prompt users to complete term and type if they are not entered when closing
    • Glossary dialog behavior improved on very large glossaries
    • Relationship Matrix overlay for CRUD methodology added to the Core Extensions technology
    • Relationship Matrix now can now create new elements on either axis
    • Relationship Matrix Overlays can now be set in Oracle repositories
    • Relationship Matrix Overlays can now be set for multiple selected cells
    • Relationship Matrix can show Property elements on either axis
    • Relationship Matrix will now allow creating relationships when matrix is showing relationships in both directions
    • Relationship Matrix element labels resize to the largest label content
    • Relationship Matrix will now broadcast add-in notifications when creating connectors
    • Relationship Matrix performance when creating large numbers of connectors improved
    • Parameters dialog now allows all parameter details to be viewed for locked objects or in Lite edition
    • Feature, Risk and Task elements will now provide option to create a child diagram in their context menu
    • Drag and Drop from Custom SQL model search will now be able to add elements to a diagram when their package hasn't been loaded yet
    • Find in Files window will no longer attempt a search if no search string has been entered
    • Common and all standard Relationships toolboxes now collapsed by default.
    • Artifacts common toolbox added to provide easy access to all the different supported artifact kinds
    • Handling of large structured scenarios improved:
      • Save of boundaries exceeding field limits will no longer truncate XML
      • Performance of loading large structured scenarios
    • Linked documents created on a CallOperation Action will now create the document on the Action
    • Creating elements with fully-qualified stereotypes using automation will no longer match stereotypes from other profiles
    • Association diamonds now appear in Project Browser and are found by Insert Related Elements command
    • Warning message is now displayed when Profiles with the duplicate IDs are loaded
    • Dialogs showing name in the title bar will no longer be misaligned when the name contains a newline
    • Project Calendar is now updated after making Task dialog
    • Synchronization elements are now moved between packages when cut and paste between diagrams
    • Profile stereotypes on association will now synchronize tagged values correctly when added from the Resources window
    • Sequence Diagrams created from Collaboration diagrams will now order lifelines based on the order of messages sent
    • Generated diagrams from Structured Scenarios improved when an Alternate Path joins back to a step that also has an alternate path from it
    • New Choice nodes created in Project Browser will now be shown correctly when dropped onto a diagram
    • Dropping a Package from the Project Browser will now provide menu for the different ways that a Package can be used on a diagram
    • Enumeration and Datatype added to Select Element Type dialog
    • Stereotypes will now be propagated from classifier to instance when instance and classifier are the same type
    • Create Link command is now able to distinguish stereotypes with the same name from different profiles
    • Diagram Toolbar will now retain customizations when applying a workspace
    • Element Files can now be specified using Local Paths and Directories
    • Sequence Message Dialog will now always allow selection of a Signal
    • Diagram Selection dialog will now skip packages that are their own parent
    • Composite Diagram context menu for an Element will now be disabled for locked elements
    • Linked documents will now prevent saving when opened as read-only
    • Much of the information displayed in the Title bar has been moved to the Status bar
    • Package Browser modified to show a reduced set of columns by default
      • Additional columns still available by opening the Field Chooser
    • Package Browser and Diagram List updated to refresh groupings after changing the grouped property on a row
    • Custom SQL searches returning dates or numbers will now sort correctly
    • Saving a SQL query as a search no longer prompts for irrelevant options
    • Team Review window updated to resolve issue where it appeared that it had lost data
    • Team Review window updated to provide look of document collection instead of mail repository
    • Team Review password encryption increased to use SHA hash
    • Tagged values window updated to resolve tagged value types correctly when profile name doesn't match technology name
    • Finding an object in the Project Browser will now show the Project Browser if it is not already visible
    • Translated editions of Enterprise Architect will now be able to create Event Calendar subtypes