Let your imagination run wild - custom drawing styles
Streamline your diagram's appearance with the new "Simple" diagram style. As a drawing style, it is minimalist, removing notation-specific detail, leaving uncluttered diagrams that are easily understood by all stakeholders. Any detailed design diagram, using the correct element types, can be easily rendered in this simple format, ensuring a change to the detailed model is updated in the view presented to the non-technical staff.
For Executives, Architects and Business Users
This drawing style is frequently used by architects, business users, executives and many others as a preferred means of conveying custom information concerning a business capability, architecture, system interaction and many other scenarios. Coupled with WebEA and Prolaborate, this offers end users instant access to attractive and familiar diagrams that avoid the general "dullness" of UML and other technical diagrams. Learn more
Add-ins that are defined in the model
Model Based Add-Ins are designed to ease development and deployment of custom add-ins. It provides a platform for add-ins that are defined within the model itself and therefore do not require network staff or others to manage the update and deployment cycle
Activated Add-Ins
Activating a dynamic add-in is a security controlled process in which an admin or authorized person may select from the list of add-ins defined within a model and check those which are active and deselect those that are not authorized or ready to run. Activated add-ins will run when the model is opened and be torn down when the model closes.
Publish Add-Ins
The Perspectives capability has been streamlined and linked into Enterprise Architect's security and governance to provide a richer and more useful modeling experience for both small teams and large enterprises.
Customized view and scope
Perspective sets associated with security groups on a per model basis allow administrators and business owners to customize the view and scope of particular modeling staff based on their area of concern and capability. For example, business modelers used to working with BPMN could be limited to working with the BPMN technology, removing all unnecessary perspective and technology sets from their interface when they are in a particular model. Likewise, particular menu ribbons can be hidden to further customize and focus the modelers workspace
Perspectives for Security GroupsNew Perspective Groups
Version 15 improves on the Perspectives sets offered in previous editions by supporting additional perspective sets and including more generic sets that incorporate a wider range of material in a single set. For example, there is now an "All Business Modeling" perspective that aggregates all perspectives under the business modeling folder.
Types of PerspectivesDiagram Matrix View
Create on-the-fly, highly customizable documents by simply dragging and dropping any model content onto an open Document Artifact then select a template to render the dropped content to your specification.
To use this feature simply:
This feature is available for packages, diagrams, operations and attributes.
Instant Updates
Custom Reports can be regenerated on the fly to update the report with the latest details in the model section.
Data Miner
The Data Miner provides a comprehensive means of abstracting data from a range of external data sources including: databases (ODBC, ADO, OLEDB, JET), text files (XML, JSON, plain text), Excel (XLS, CSV), and online files or URLs.
The goal is to create a reproducible import process defined in a model format.
This consists of:
Tabulated information in an Element
Custom Tables provide a flexible option to define your own tabulated information in an Element viewable on a diagram. Typical uses may include SWOT analysis or a capability matrix where table-based information needs to be included in the model.
Model your Amazon Web Service or Google Web Service using model patterns. There are a comprehensive series of patterns covering the images required for modeling Amazon/AWS diagrams and Google/GCP diagrams
These include some specific example patterns like 'AWS Connected Vehicle Solution' and 'Google GCP Example - Sensor stream ingest and processing'.
Support includes Model Wizards, specific Toolboxes and diagram profiles.
Amazon Web Services
Read more on the Google and Amazon Web Services icon sets
Quick Access to Tools, Windows and Workspaces
A new set of easily accessible quick access pop-up windows have been implemented to help you quickly and easily find the tool or window you need for a particular task.
Using the Alt + 1, Alt + 2, Alt + 3, Alt + 4 and Alt + 5 hot keys you can rapidly search through various lists of tools and windows that were previously buried in various menus. These quick access pop-ups are also available through the Start and Design Ribbons
Extended and Streamlined docked Properties window
The docked property window has been overhauled and greatly expanded to directly expose a wider range of base UML and extended technology and domain based properties. It is now much easier to locate and work with both the standard element properties and those defined in domain based extensions.
This major and far reaching change facilitates rapid and accurate modeling with the focus on the current domain of interest, rather than a simple set of standard properties.
In addition the handling of stereotypes has been updated in the docked properties window to provide more intuitive and accurate selection and application of modeled stereotypes to individual elements.
Docked property window support for a wide range of "sub contexts"
The docked property window now supports many more individual features of elements. Items that are now easily editable in the docked property window and include:
Selecting a sub-context in the Element Browser or elsewhere will make that the current editing context in the property window.
Tight integrations between the element browser, the various docked feature, maintenance, test and responsibilities windows, plus diagram based element compartments, mean it is now extremely easy to focus in on element details, capabilities and construction.
Instant notes window - rapid and context sensitive access to notes
Need to update the notes on an element or sub-context or other construct quickly and cleanly? The new instant notes window is almost universally available with a Ctrl+Space hotkey combination.
Quickly access and update notes (including standard and "history" notes where available) and stay tightly focused on your current modeling context.
Stable Context - Stay focused and quickly move between selection and configuration
A lot of work has been done to ensure key board users in particular have improved support for rapid model navigation and the ability in particular to access and configure properties, then return to their current diagram or browser focus without using a mouse.
A "Ctrl+Enter" hot key combination has been enabled to allow rapid switching from current browser or diagram focus to the docked properties window to configure and manage an element (or sub-context) properties. Pressing Ctrl+Enter again in the docked window immediately returns you to your previous context.
Improved diagram navigation for hyperlinks and composite diagrams
Instead of opening a new diagram tab every time a hyperlink, composite or other navigation style action is carried out, version 15 will open the diagram target in the same tab as the current diagram.
Each tab keeps a history of where it has come from, and while there are previous diagrams in the history, the tab "X" button is shown as a "<-" arrow and clicking on it will take you back to the previous diagram. The backspace key is also enabled for navigating back.
Behavioral Code editor - quickly access and edit code for Model Add-ins, Data Miner, Operations, etc.
There are many places in the model where behavioral code can be applied and used - operations, states, simulations, model add-ins, BP Sim, DMN and many more. To better facilitate editing and accessing behavioral code it is now possible to quickly access an elements behavioral code in the built in code editor. For the current context element it is possible to add behavior for constraints, operations and many others. This tight integration between the model and executable code provides a clean and intuitive way of building up complex and expressive models that exhibit detailed behavior at run-time.
Faster and expanded access to Table element features
Table Elements now have full support for columns & behavior in both the Docked Feature List and in the Docked Properties Window.
In addition to the database builder and the pop-up column editor, the docked feature list and the docked properties window have been expanded to provide full editing capabilities for Table features.
Element Feature Editing - Attributes, Operations, Receptions & etc.
Creation and editing of element features has been significantly updated and streamlined to provide a much faster and more intuitive means of quickly building and defining. Some notable changes include:
New faster Native XML Import / Export
For Model to Model transfer, package copying and other standard model content manipulation between EA models, a new "native XML" format has been implemented to avoid the overhead of rendering into XMI. This is a faster and simplified format which improves model import and export times where appropriate.
Responsibilities Window - quickly access and edit Scenarios, Constraints, Requirements and more
The docked Responsibilities window now features pages for
New and Improved "Feature to Feature" relationship Matrix and Management
To facilitate rapid and accurate mapping between attributes/operations on one element and those on another, version 15 includes:
Both of these new methods are totally compatible and the resultant mappings are visible on diagrams, in the matrix, in the diagram matrix and in the docked Properties window for relationships.
Drill down into your model
The Project Browser has been renamed as simply the "Browser" and now incorporates four different view types of your model:
Also as part of the version 15 UI drawing restructure, icons rendered for tree nodes are now hand drawn and compatible with the DPI or scale level - see New Icon Rendering Engine for more details
A Browser for diagram elements
The Element Browser has been moved from a separate docked window to form part of the Browser suite. This allows users to quickly find and use this window to drive other aspects of their model such as Features, Tasks, Responsibilities, Discussions, Reviews etc.
The Element Browser also has an improved context menu to drive advanced editing capabilities from the Element Browser. For example, access the Structured Scenario editor for a Scenario easily and quickly from the Element Browser context menu on a Scenario, or connect with an integration element directly from tools like Jira and ServiceNow
Using the Element Browser
Rapid selection and navigation of diagram elements
The Diagram Browser is a new tab in the Browser named "Diagram". This provides a view of elements within the currently viewed diagram. Primary use will be to allow rapid selection and navigation of a diagram based on the elements only shown in that diagram.
The Diagram Browser is a great addition to Enterprise Architect and supports modelers who are tightly focused on their visual representation and value a filtered set of elements in the browser tree that are only those located on the current diagram. Finding elements in a large diagram is now simplified using the filtering capability of the Diagram Browser - in conjunction with its ability to highlight and center an element when selected in the Tree.
Using the Diagram Browser
Fast access to your favorite packages
Browser favorites provide easy access to packages specified for the user and each group they are part of. Add new packages to the favorites by the use of the package context menu in the Project or Context Browsers.
New technologies to model Real Time and Embedded Systems
Enterprise Architect 15 delivers support for the OMG's MARTE profile for Real Time and Embedded Systems (RTES)
Business Motivation Model (BMM)
The BMM model provides a blueprint designed to support a range of methodologies. BMM 1.3 ensures the elements are stored and related to other information about the enterprise and is particularly strong in support of processes that are driven by business change.
Focus on the creation and exchange of value
The Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML) closes the gap between strategic plans, business requirements, the transformation of business operations and design of operational systems of an agile enterprise. It focuses the value creation as a network of collaborations within the enterprise, applying capabilities to create value and the delivery of values in customer value propositions.
Learn more
Implement automation methods and other functionality to tightly couple DMN and BPSim with model elements and custom data sets. Allow configuration and execution of BPSim and DMN from the automation interface. Allow binding data set rows to EA element properties. The final result will be a high level method for supporting complex enterprise architecture and system decisions from modeled data.
Decision Service
The Decision service allows users to create Decision Service elements and specify output/encapsulated decisions and input data as the interface. By providing data sets for the inputs, Enterprise Architect is able to simulate the decision graph involved in the Decision Service. A Decision Service could serve as a reusable element, which is invoked internally by another decision in the Decision model, or externally by a task in a BPMN process model.
Enhanced Simulation for DMN Model
Allows the user to simulate a DMN model by stepping into an invoked decision service. With this ability, the simulation may be started from a higher level decision service and step into an invoked decision service. There are no limits on the level of invocation. While a decision is under evaluation, the internal logic of the decision is displayed in the expression window, diagram and simulation window, which gives the user complete details of the decision model.
New Icon Rendering Engine
Display of icons at high DPI settings are now vastly improved
To facilitate a better and cleaner appearance, all the major icons in the Browser are now hand rendered at the right scale for the current DPI setting, resulting in a cleaner and more exact image.
In addition, the icons have been reworked into colors matching the color sets for diagrams, greatly improving modeling consistency and UI appeal. For example, Packages, Classes, Use Cases and other UML elements have been re-colored to match the version 15 color sets applied from the default version 15 diagram theme. These icons also appear in package elements in diagrams where the visibility options have been configured to show Package Contents.
Icons rendered to the diagrams are now rendered natively to the current zoom level and DPI scaling. This is present for any tree structure (like the project browser) as well as on diagrams in package lists and the like.
Element Grouping
Element grouping can be applied to any set of elements on a diagram as a way to keep manipulation of diagrams with related elements a breeze.
Selecting any one of an elements in a group will select all of the elements in that group. Then, group actions can be performed as a set such as moving, resizing, setting colors, fonts and more.
Enterprise Architect 15 now allows you to set a Bookmark Value on an element in a diagram - this allows users to tag elements - especially useful for demonstrations and walkthroughs where ordering is important. The element context menu has the option to set a value, while the diagram context menu has the option to show or hide all