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Enterprise Architect Installation
This topic answers a number of frequently asked questions relating to downloading and installing Enterprise Architect.
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Answer |
See also |
Problems Downloading Enterprise Architect |
If Enterprise Architect will not download, right-click on the hyperlink to the file and select 'Save Target As'. If this is not successful it is possible that the file is attempting to retrieve an incomplete version of Enterprise Architect that might be located in your Internet cache and/or your temporary directory. To resolve this issue, clean out the cache, delete the Enterprise Architect file in the temporary directory and download the install file again. Some companies have firewalls in place that limit the size of downloaded files or limit Port access to Port 1812. You might have to check with your network administrator to determine if this is the case. In this situation you might have to download the file from a point that is outside this firewall, or have your administrator increase your file size limit, or unblock the Port. |
Enterprise Architect will not install |
Before installing Enterprise Architect, please verify that the file size of the downloaded file matches the file size of the file located on the Sparx Systems web site. If errors continue when trying to run the installer, clear your Internet browser cache and try downloading the installer again from the Sparx Systems website. |
Can I Register the Trial Edition? |
You cannot register the Trial Edition of Enterprise Architect. When you purchase Enterprise Architect you are given the information to download a different installer from the Registered Users web site, and a registration key to activate the purchased product. The only key that you might use to access the Trial Edition is the Extension key, which you request from Sparx Sales if you require longer than the standard trial period of 30 days to evaluate Enterprise Architect. |
Registered Users webpage |
How can I install Enterprise Architect under Linux or macOS? |
Using Wine, it is possible to install and run Enterprise Architect on Debian-based Linux systems, such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint, as well as on macOS systems. For details on installing Enterprise Architect on Mac/Linux using Wine, refer to the Help topic Installing Enterprise Architect Under Linux or macOS. |
Installing Enterprise Architect Under Linux or macOS |
How do I remotely install Enterprise Architect? |
For details on remote installation of Enterprise Architect see the Remote Installation section in the Deployment of Enterprise Architect white paper. |
Deployment of Enterprise Architect |
Downloading a previous version of Enterprise Architect |
Registered Enterprise Architect users with a current maintenance subscription can download previous versions of Enterprise Architect via the Registered User Download page of the Sparx Systems website. If you do not have registered user access, or you do not know what your credentials are, please contact our sales team for assistance: [email protected]. Please note, previous versions are not officially supported. We recommend always using the latest version if possible. |
Registered Users Download Page |
Fatal Error Initializing DAO Library |
On rare occasions users have received the error message Fatal error initializing DAO Library: Try reinstalling Enterprise Architect. If you still experience problems please contact Support. This is due to corrupted or incorrect versions of the dependency files of the Dao360.dll. To manually ensure the required DAO library is registered:
For more information relating to problems with the Dao360.dll file, see the Microsoft Support website. Note Release 14 .EAPX files use Jet 4.0 by default. For earlier versions of Enterprise Architect using .EAP files with the Jet 4.0 option not enabled, the same process could apply but for the Dao350.dll. |
Can Enterprise Architect operate on a VM such as Citrix, Hyper-V or Terminal Services? |
Enterprise Architect is certainly operative in this type of environment and we do have numerous groups of users running Enterprise Architect under VMs such as Citrix. However, we do not have any first-hand experience with these environments and we do not officially provide support on them. The basic server set up of Enterprise Architect is the same as most other applications being installed under a virtual machine. Enterprise Architect's Floating licensing is required, as Standard licenses are not suitable for this type of deployment. For more details on this type of installation, refer to the Deployment of Enterprise Architect white paper, specifically the Remote installation of Enterprise Architect section. |
Deployment of Enterprise Architect |
How do I try the latest build but also keep my current registered version of Enterprise Architect? |
Before running the installer, create a copy of your existing Enterprise Architect installation directory from the default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\EA Rename this copied directory to something meaningful (for example, from 'EA' to 'EA 13'). You can create a shortcut to the EA.exe from this copied directory on your Desktop to make it easier to run this older version. Run the installer for the new version. It will automatically uninstall the previous version, but you can still use the copied directory that you made. |
Trial Download |