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License Management
This topic provides answers to questions related to the general management of licensing for Enterprise Architect.
Question |
Answer |
See also |
Can the same license be used on both a PC and a Laptop? |
The Enterprise Architect license will allow you to install on a PC and also a Laptop. Please see the End User License Agreement link. As noted under the grant of license section, you can "install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or in its place, any prior version for the same operating system, on a single computer. As the primary user of the computer on which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is installed, YOU may make a second copy for your exclusive use on either a home or portable computer". |
End User License Agreement |
Does the Enterprise Architect license expire or is it perpetual? |
The Enterprise Architect license itself is perpetual. See the License Information. Purchasing Enterprise Architect gives you 12 months of registered user access, which allows you to download any new releases during that time. At the end of the initial 12 month period, you can continue to use the last build of Enterprise Architect that you downloaded -OR- renew your maintenance agreement for a further 12 months of access to new builds, upgrades and support. |
License Information webpage |
What is the difference between Standard and Floating licenses? |
A Standard license is assigned to a single user or PC. A Floating license is added to a shared keystore. When a user opens Enterprise Architect they check a key out of the keystore. You can configure the keystore to automatically check in the key when the user closes Enterprise Architect, then allowing the key to be checked out by a different user if necessary. In both cases a single key should only be used by one person at a given time. |
Floating Licenses webpage |
Can a Floating license still be used while disconnected from a network, for example when working offline? |
Floating licenses can be configured to permit a user to continue using Enterprise Architect after disconnecting from the corporate network. The expiry period can be defined by the keystore administrator (see step 12 in the Sparx Systems Keystore Service guide). Note: The user must connect to the network initially to obtain the license from the server. |
Sparx Systems Keystore Service |
Which Sparx Systems products are available as Floating licenses? |
Enterprise Architect Corporate, Ultimate and Unified Editions are all available as Floating license products. Enterprise Architect Add-Ins sold by Sparx Systems, including MDG Integration, MDG Link and MDG Technology Add-Ins, are also available with Floating licenses. |
Editions Available |
Can one Floating license be shared by multiple users at once? |
No. As with all Sparx Systems licensing, Floating license keys can only be used by one user at a time, keeping the number of concurrent users consistent with the number of software licenses purchased. |
Can I access Floating licenses from Enterprise Architect running on Linux or Mac? |
Floating license keys can be accessed by users running Enterprise Architect on Linux and Mac. However, the Floating license service does need to be operating on a Windows machine. |
How do I renew my Enterprise Architect maintenance/support subscription? |
When you purchase Enterprise Architect, you are entitled to a 12 month registered user subscription. This includes access to priority email support for registered users and access to new versions of Enterprise Architect as they are released, at no additional cost. At the end of the subscription period, you can extend your support for a further 12 months by purchasing a Subscription Renewal. |
Subscription Renewal webpage |
What does the "Key is invalid" message mean, when trying to add a key into Enterprise Architect? |
When copying a key from a source such as a PDF document, the hyphen characters can become invalid, actually being a Unicode multi-byte character rather than the single-byte character that is expected by Enterprise Architect. Paste your key into a text editor, then manually replace all hyphens with the ASCII minus (-) character (decimal code 45, or hex 0x2D). Copy the corrected key to your clipboard and then paste it into Enterprise Architect again. If you are still having issues please contact [email protected] for further assistance. |
Why does the "Please open a model before attempting to enable security" message display when trying to add a key into Enterprise Architect? |
The key that you have pasted is the Security Authorization key to enable and disable User Security on a model. This is not your Enterprise Architect license key. Please refer back to the original email from Sparx Sales containing your license keys. If you are unable to find your license keys, please contact [email protected] with any information you have regarding your original purchase. |
Enable/Disable Security |
Why does the "You have entered a Floating license key ..." message dispay when trying to add a key into Enterprise Architect? |
Floating license keys cannot be added directly into Enterprise Architect. These keys are added to a Floating license keystore, then accessed from Enterprise Architect via the 'Get Shared Key' dialog. |
Adding License Keys Floating Licenses webpage |