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User Button
This feature is available from Enterprise Architect Release 14.1.
For models with user security enabled, the name of the currently logged in user will display in the ribbon header in the top right of the screen.
If you click on the user's name, a drop down menu displays providing a set of user options.
User Button Menu
Menu Item |
Description |
See also |
Remember Me |
Select this option to securely store the current user's login credentials for the current model. The next time the user attempts to open the model, the stored credentials will be used instead of prompting the user for their credentials. Note:
Maintain Users |
Change Password |
Change the password for the logged in user. |
Change Password |
Set Avatar |
Set an image to be used as an avatar for the logged in user. |
Set User Avatar |
Log In as Another User |
Display the Login panel, on which you log into the model as another user. |
Security Panel |