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Import from XMI

You can copy Enterprise Architect model elements between models, for distributed development, manual Version Control and other benefits. You do so by importing the parent Package from an XMI (XML-based) or Native file in any of these formats:

  • UML 1.3 (XMI 1.0)
  • UML 1.3 (XMI 1.1)
  • UML 1.4 (XMI 1.2)
  • UML 2.x (XMI 2.1)
  • MOF 1.3 (XMI 1.1)
  • MOF 1.4 (XMI 1.2)
  • Enterprise Architect's Native XEA/XML


Select your target Package in the Browser window, then:


Publish > Model Exchange > Import > Native File  or

Publish > Model Exchange > Import > XMI File

Import a Package From an XML File



See also


Type the directory path and filename from which to import the XML or XEA file. Alternatively, click on the Browse. button to display the file browser and search for the file.

  • If you selected the 'Import > Native File' option, the file-type field shows 'Native File (*.xea, *.xml)', filtering the listed files to those of that type
  • If you selected the 'Import > XMI File' option, the file-type field shows 'XMI File (*.xml, *.xmi)', filtering the listed files to those of that type
  • If you used the Ctrl+Alt+I shortcut, the file-type field shows 'Native/ XMI File (*.xea, *.xml, *.xmi)

Import Diagrams

Select the checkbox to import diagrams.

Strip GUIDs

Select the checkbox to remove Universal Identifier information from the file on import.

By removing the GUID, you can import a Package twice into the same model; the second import requires the checkbox to be selected, to apply new GUIDs to avoid element collisions.

Write Log File

Select the checkbox to write a log of import activity (recommended).

The log file is saved in the directory from which the file is being imported, with the same name as that of the imported file plus the suffix _ import.log.

Import using Single Transaction

By default, this option will be disabled when importing into :

  • A Postgres repository or
  • Any repository over a Cloud connection

Otherwise, this option defaults to the setting of the 'Import using single transaction' checkbox in the 'XML Specifications' page of the 'Preferences' dialog. If you prefer, you can change the option from the default setting.

  • If the checkbox is selected, the file is imported in one transaction.; this is not recommended for large imports.
  • If the checkbox is not selected the data items are imported separately; you can identify problem items without the whole import being blocked

If the import is likely to encounter locking issues, or if you are importing a large file, deselect the checkbox.

XML Specifications

Check if Package can be imported as Model Root

Select this checkbox if you need to enable the importer to check if the Package being imported from the Native/XMI file can be imported as a Model Root.

If enabled, this check will be performed only when the Package being imported does not already exist in the model or when importing with the 'Strip GUIDs' option checked.

If not enabled, then the Package from the Native/XMI file will be imported under the selected Package.

Import Discussions by

This option defaults to the setting of the 'XMI/VC Import Policy for Discussions' option on the 'General' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog.

The option will be enabled if the option 'Allow user to override if prompted' is selected on the 'General' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog.

If enabled, click on the drop-down arrow and select an option that determines how to import Discussions from XML :

  • Merging from XML - select this option to retain the existing Discussions in the model and merge those in Native/XMI file
  • Restoring from XML - select this option to delete the existing Discussions in the model and import those in Native/XMI file
Model Options

Merge XMI

Click on this button to display two options for merging the content of the XMI file with the content of the selected Package.

  • 'Use Merge File' - Merge the contents of the XMI file with the contents of the Package using a Merge File
  • 'Direct Merge' - Merge the contents of the XMI file directly with the contents of the Package, without a Merge File
Merge with XMI Merge with XMI Using Merge File

Treat Imported Datatypes as

If you are importing from Rose XMI 1.1, click on the drop-down arrow and select the datatypes to add to the model.

Baseline Package after Import

Select this checkbox to open the 'Create Baseline' dialog, through which to baseline the imported Package once the import is complete.

Selecting this option also generates a Merge File when exporting a Package to XMI 1.1 using the 'Export Package to Native/XMI File' dialog.

Creating Baselines Export to XMI


Click on this button to start the import.


Click on this button to close the dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help page.

Import Progress

Indicates the progress of the import.


When importing an Enterprise Architect model as XMI 1.1/2.1 or Native XML/XEA file with cross-Package references, you can use the Placeholder option to visually show on the imported diagram, any items that were referenced in the source model, but were not were not directly part of the export due to these Elements being located outside the exported Package-tree.  For more details see the option Create placeholders for missing External References during XMI 1.1/2.1 and Native File Import in the XML Specifications Help topic.


  • You can also import the *.emx and *.uml2 files generated by tools such as Rational Software Architect (RSA) and Rational Software Modeler (RSM), as well as Canonical XMI 2.1 files, BPMN 2.0 XML files, Rhapsody and MagicDraw models, and XML files exported by ArcGIS; select the appropriate 'Publish > Model Exchange > Import' ribbon menu option
  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Import XML' permission to import Packages from XML
  • If you are working in a model on a Cloud connection, your ability to import from XMI might be blocked by a model-specific option set on the 'Cloud' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog; you can still import from XMI using a direct connection to the model
  • If you are connected to a SQL Server repository, you require ALTER permission on the t_image table in Enterprise Architect, to be able to import model images
  • When you import an XML file over an existing Package, ALL information in the current Package is deleted first, unless you use the Use Merge File button; before you import an XML file, please make sure you do not have important changes that you do not want to lose
  • If you are importing an XMI 1.1 file that was previously exported with a UML_EA.DTD file, the UML_EA.DTD file must be present in the directory into which the XMI file is being written; an error occurs if the UML_EA.DTD file is absent
  • An XMI 2.1 file exported by Enterprise Architect Version 7.0 or later might not be correctly imported by versions of Enterprise Architect earlier than Version 7.0
  • A Native XML file exported by Enterprise Architect Version 15.0 or later cannot be imported by versions of Enterprise Architect earlier than Version 15.0
  • A Native XEA file exported by Enterprise Architect Version 16.0 or later cannot be imported by versions of Enterprise Architect earlier than Version 16.0

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